7 The Ninjas' Grand Plan

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Si Jin ... did indeed not notice. After cutting the ten thousand onions, he put down the knife, nodded, and then left the room, having his men deal with distributing the cut onions outside.

As for himself ... he went to share the good news with Xiao Ming and then went to bed when he noticed that he wouldn't get any response from him personally. After all, he had been awake for more than twenty-four hours and while he was able to stay up for longer, he felt that it was still better to sleep for a while before the live stream started. That way, he would be better rested when he finally saw Xiao Ming again. Because of that, he didn't notice either what was happening outside.

While the master was unaware, his men weren't. They all stood around a tablet, looking at the article that had been published online and shared on Weibo by several accounts with dark expressions.

"Young Master Xiao hasn't even been mentioned by name. Master will be angry when he finds out. What do you think we should do?" As usual, Si Yi took the lead in pointing out the problem they had to solve.

Si Er furrowed his brows and then took the tablet, looking at the site for a moment. "How about I hack into the website and change the text?"

Si Yi pondered for a moment and then nodded. "That would be for the best. "Si Qi, you write a more favorable article. Make sure that it isn't too obvious though. The last thing we need is somebody getting behind this."

Si Er gave him a miffed look, feeling that his abilities were questioned. Si Qi nodded without hesitation though, took the tablet from Si Yi's hands, and then opened the text document and the keyboard, his fingers flying over the digital keys, editing the text in question. When he finished, he handed the tablet to Si Er and then went into position again. Si Er did as he had promised and exchanged the text on the website before handing the tablet back to Si Yi.

Si Yi nodded and then opened Weibo, looking at the post that had been sent and the texts accompanying the several shares. Unfortunately, neither of them mentioned either Bright Yellow Water or Young Master Xiao yet. Changing this would be too obvious though.

The news outlet definitely wouldn't make a huge fuss about it when they had been hacked to prevent people from knowing there was a security breach. They would only admit to it if they were forced to do so. But if several accounts on Weibo were compromised as well, the consequences might be bigger. They couldn't risk that.

Si Yi pondered and then turned to one of the other men. "Si Shi Qi, you message your wife and ask her to share the article and mention Master's crush."

Si Shi Qi tensed for a moment, seeming as if he didn't want to do it but then he still took out his phone. Anyway, while they did try to keep their own families out of this, the one they were talking about here might be their Master's future partner. Naturally, they had to get this right.

[Darling, can you do me a favor?"

It only took a hot minute for a message to come back. [What's the matter? You better explain fast. The director is already calling for me.]

Si Shi Qi hesitated again and then send over the link, followed by another text.

[The one who donated is my good friend from work. He wants to take part in the cooking show because he's a huge fan of that food anchor, Xiao Ming. He's angry that most people aren't even mentioning him. It was all my idea in the first place so I feel like I need to make it up to him. You have a large following, could you post on Weibo about it?]

Unfortunately, he didn't get an answer back immediately. Si Shi Qi lowered his phone and looked at Si Yi. "She is currently working. It might take her some time to reply."

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