32 Realizing His Full Potential

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[Fan Mei — as that Misses Youya is actually called — works as a reporter when she isn't bad-mouthing people. Most of her job is on the radio so you won't get to see her often but there are a few photos online. Look at them and behold the magic of cosmetic surgery!]

Once again, a photo was attached. Or rather: Si Er had gone to the trouble of adding the same photo again and contrasting it with a new one.

Si Jiu whistled when he saw that. "You're vicious enough. I don't think she'll ever revive from that image being planted in her readers' head."

Si Shi Qi couldn't help but frown. "Did you really have to do this? She is my sister ..."

Si Er just huffed. "You already said that. But if you didn't want her to get hurt, you should have kept her on a tighter leash. Anyway, this is for the Si clan's sake. Now, she at least won't be able to use that identity anymore to make trouble for us."

Si Shi Qi still wasn't convinced. "What if she creates a new one and uses the rage she definitely feels right now as fuel to become even more extreme? Ever thought about that?"

He sounded solemn enough but Si Er just flicked him a lazy glance. "I exposed her once. Naturally, I can do it a second time. The added bonus is that her credibility will have gone down by a lot. If she sneakily tries to come back under a different name and is discovered, people will believe even less what she writes. That's all we need. She also can't use any acquaintances to cover for her since it would be much too easy to prove to the public."

"Even if she doesn't make it public, she might investigate this. What if she tracks it back to you?"

This time, Si Er furrowed his brows. "What the fuck are you talking about? I am our country's best hacker. Even worldwide, I would still be comfortably in the top five. Who is your sister going to ask for help to find me, huh? Grow a brain, Shi Qi! There's no drawback here. If you just want to keep your sister safe, you should have made sure she wasn't interfering with our tasks. Don't forget that the clan always comes in first place!"

The others nodded, agreeing with that sentiment. They all had families and half of them were in long-term, committed relationships but when it came time to choose, the Si clan had to come first. The one who wasn't willing to do that stopped being a member they could depend on because they would always worry about what might happen if a choice had to be made. No, in their situation, they could never hesitate.

Si Shi Qi's behavior right now really wasn't acceptable. Even more so if one considered that it wasn't even his sister's life that was threatened. If it had been that, they would have understood to a degree but he was really making a fuss over nothing.

Si Shi Qi shook himself when sixteen pairs of eyes stared at him like this. "You guys calm down. It's not like I'm running off to sell you out. I just feel like Er was too vicious. There would have been other ways to deal with this."

"Yeah, educating your sister." Si Er curled his lips and turned back to the screen. "In any case, it is what it is. I've already published it and people have seen it. It's not going to go away so stop arguing here."

Si Shi Qi sighed. "I also know that. But it's easy for you to say. You won't have to deal with her. She's definitely going to think it was me and that this means something shady is indeed going on."

Si Shi Jiu snorted when he heard that. "That's what's giving you trouble?"

Si Shi Qi's lips twitched. Why did that sound as if Si Shi Jiu thought it was so easy? "That's exactly what I mean! It's easy to talk like that when you're not the one who has to deal with it. It's not like I can just hand you the phone and have you do it!"

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