2 Welcome to Bright Yellow Water!

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Xiao Ming and Qian Huang got into the car that was waiting not far from the door.

Qian Huang leaned back in his seat after fastening the belt and sighed. "Gosh, I didn't even work but I feel beat. Taking part in a cooking show is much more work than just doing a live stream."

Li Shui raised his brows at him while steering the car back onto the street. "You're tired? What is Xiao Ming supposed to say?" He glanced at their cook but Xiao Ming was staring at his phone, not even listening to them. Li Shui shook his head and sighed before focusing on the road again.

Anyway, it was a few hours until they'd get home. They should probably give him some time to recover from the press conference. After all, while the two of them had worried, Xiao Ming was the one who had needed to sit up there and deal with his idol, the producer, and the host, as well as the media that would love to make some drama out of this. He was probably the one who was stressed most.

Qian Huang also glanced over and figured the same. Thus, he also leaned back and looked out of the window, watching the cityscape outside pass by. When the show started, they'd have to come here more often. It'd likely be even more stressful. They had to make sure that Xiao Ming got enough rest.

While these two were worried, Xiao Ming was actually working again. He had started to skim through the rest of the messages that had been sent in the chat of his channel when he was in the press conference. Even though he couldn't read every single one, he at least wanted to try to keep on top of what was currently happening.

It really wasn't easy though. After sending just one message to all of them, everybody seemed as if injected with chicken blood. They were was rushing to ask questions about the cooking show and his thoughts on it, as well as how he was doing and where Qian Huang and Li Shui had been while the press conference was held, making it impossible to keep up.

Xiao Ming smiled wryly and then could only default to writing another message for everybody: [I know everybody is curious about the show and our thoughts on it. Right now, we're still on our way back home but we will be doing a stream tonight at 9 pm as usual and tell you all about it ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨]

In a villa in another city, Si Jin picked up his phone that had rang with the special tone of a notification that was posted by Xiao Ming. He stared at the screen, finally taking a screenshot of the message as he always did. Then, he looked at the clock. Only 5 pm. Still four more hours to go before he would be able to see Xiao Ming ...

He sighed and then answered in the chat: [3 hours and 59 minutes, I can hardly wait for the clock to strike 9.]

Back in the car, Xiao Ming laughed out loud, raising his hand to stifle it so as to not bother Li Shui while driving in a foreign city. Ah, Nin Sha ... This message was really typical for him but he was still surprised every single time he saw these types of words.

Qian Huang was startled out of his thoughts regarding the period of filming the show. He leaned over and then laughed as well when he saw the latest message. "That guy is so corny. It's unbelievable."

"Isn't it kind of cute though?" Xiao Ming really wanted to text back but he felt that it wouldn't be a good look if he didn't take the time to respond to a few others as well.

Nin Sha had already been dubbed his number one certified fan on the channel because he never missed a stream, always gave gifts, and always responded to anything he wrote or said while ignoring both Qian Huang and Li Shui, as well as the other viewers. Right now, that was just a joke and nobody had a problem with it but if he started to treat Nin Sha differently from others, their other loyal fans would get angry. Even though their channel had grown over time, that was something they couldn't risk. Their livelihood depended on this, after all.

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