41 A Coincidental Meeting

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Li Shui stopped the car in front of an old building. Looking out of the window, he raised his brows and then turned to the backseat, glancing at Qian Huang to make sure that he had gotten the address right. "This should be it, right?"

Qian Huang also turned to look outside and then nodded. "Yep, that's it."

Since 'Golden Spoon' would be running for several weeks with one episode being filmed and shown every week, it wouldn't make sense for them to drive back and forth between this city and their usual residence. Getting a hotel for such a long time was something that was out of their budget though. After all, paying for three people each night would add up soon. Thus, he had looked for a small apartment that they could temporarily move into.

This came with the added benefit, that they had a bit more time for themselves when they weren't working on the show. Also, they would probably feel more at home, which might reduce Xiao Ming's anxiety so Qian Huang felt that this was the best way.

Retracting his gaze, he turned back to Li Shui and Xiao Ming, patting the latter on the shoulder. "Alright, the two of you can go and get something to eat first if you want to. I'll go and get the key."

Xiao Ming nodded and the three of them got out of the car, Li Shui and Xiao Ming going down the street while Qian Huang went over to the house. The proprietress was actually living inside the same building so he just had to ring the doorbell and arrange everything.

Li Shui turned to Xiao Ming, raising his brows and putting his arm around his shoulders. "So, what do we get? Do you know if there's a market close by?"

Xiao Ming couldn't help but smile. Most likely, Qian Huang had actually meant for them to go to a store and buy something that they could eat just like that but it seemed that Li Shui was a bit spoiled from home. If he could go and get something for Xiao Ming to cook, then he would naturally want to do so instead of some store-bought food.

"We can look it up. Why don't you do so now? I'm sure Qian Huang will not just get the key but also have a look around the apartment to see if everything is alright. It will probably take a moment. It's better if we don't disturb him."

Li Shui nodded and pulled out his phone, taking a look at the map of their surroundings. "Ah, there isn't one. There's a mall though."

"Let's go and try there then."

The two of them followed the route on the map, soon arriving outside of the mall. Looking at it, Xiao Ming nodded faintly. "Looks good. I guess they should have some ingredients there. They might not be as good as Auntie Zhang's vegetables but it's alright."

Li Shui nodded. To him, the important thing was that Xiao Ming was the one cooking, not the ingredients. Even though Xiao Ming had often stressed that what kind of ingredients he used was important, Li Shui always felt that he probably wouldn't be able to taste the difference anyway. Thus, he didn't make a fuss.

Just when the two of them entered the mall, a black car drove by outside.

Si Jin's gaze accurately followed Xiao Ming's back until it vanished behind the doors.

Si Yi glanced at him from the driver seat and then looked at the road ahead of them. "They should have gotten a place to stay close by."

Si Jin nodded but didn't say anything. In any case, he had also realized this. Xiao Ming and the other two were people who had gone through a time of poverty and also hadn't grown up rich. Naturally, they would rather go for a place that wasn't as expensive. For a moment, he actually wondered if maybe he should relocate to another place as well. It would definitely be nice to live close to Xiao Ming. Maybe they could coincidentally meet a few times?

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