106 Three Variations on Quenelles

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Xiao Ming smiled when Qian Huang read out the comment. He honestly wasn't surprised that people would mostly talk about Tao Jin. After all, this was based on her performance just yesterday and the difference between her and Li Shui was just so stark that it was obvious to everyone no matter their own skill level. They didn't need to point out.

He didn't know what exactly Qian Huang had planned so he just let him continue reading a few more comments before he finally pulled over the ingredients he had prepared before and started to make the hot and sour soup and the Sepen sauce at the side.

Neither of the two was difficult to make or took much time so he finished soon. When he did, he couldn't help but glance at Li Shui. By now, it should be time to take the quenelles out of the oven. Other than that, there was also the question of how to plate this. Since they had talked about that in the mini-episode, it was something that he should demonstrate, right?

While Qian Huang continued further with reading the comments, Xiao Ming got up to get out a couple of plates and bowls in different shapes and colors. When he had given Tao Jin's stand-in feedback on stage, he had wished that there was a way to demonstrate what he meant.

Even though the people that came to the casting and were led up on stage to be judged by him and Mister Yu were usually seasoned cooks, he felt like it just wasn't quite the same to just talk about it instead of showing what you meant. Now, even though this wasn't on the show anymore, he finally had the opportunity to demonstrate. He was happy that Qian Huang had had this idea of having Li Shui make quenelles as well and for him to add a side dish.

Xiao Ming put the plates down in a row and then gave Li Shui another glance. The quenelles were the main part of this dish so he needed to wait for them to be finished before he could arrange everything.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem like Li Shui intended to take them out anytime soon. He was still listening to Qian Huang as if he was more interested in what people had to say about the cooking skills of goddess Tao.

Xiao Ming glanced at the counter and pressed his lips together when he realized that half an hour had already passed. While he had expected as much, he still wasn't sure if he should say something.

Anyway, he wasn't sure if the quenelles would taste well after how much Li Shui had struggled but getting them out looking like charcoal would be worse. Then again, he wasn't supposed to help out. Li Shui was supposed to do all of this on his own. So if he didn't remember that they needed to be taken out, then he also shouldn't be reminded. After all, he couldn't do that with the contestants on the show either, could he?

Xiao Ming felt himself to be in a dilemma, the struggle clearly showing on his face. And of course, the viewers who watched everything from the vantage point of their own homes naturally picked up on that.

Little Butterfly: [Uh-oh, looks like our Li Shui forgot about something quite important."]

Cuddly Lion: [Yes, just look at Xiao Ming's face! He clearly wants to tell him but he doesn't dare to. Do you think Qian Huang would get angry if he tells him?]

Little Butterfly: [If we write it in a comment, he has to read it out loud, right?]

By now, Qian Huang had finished with the list of comments he had prepared beforehand and was already looking through the newer comments to keep talking, throwing in one or two whenever they were direct reactions to what either of them was doing. Seeing this, he also glanced at Li Shui but pretended that he hadn't noticed. Anyway, with this kind of stream, if something went wrong, that wouldn't be too bad. In fact, since it would make Tao Jin look even better in comparison, it was a good thing.

There were some other viewers that picked up on the fact as well and couldn't help but try some variations to get Qian Huang to finally give a reminder for Li Shui.

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