117 Not One for Conspiracy Theories

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An hour wasn't a long time and Xiao Ming was even more anxious in front of the big camera than he was at home when the only people in the room with him were Qian Huang and Li Shui. As such, before the hour had even ended, he already went back to the studio, trying to adjust his mental state.

The next task was one that he had come up with. He had thought long and hard about what kind of tasks he wanted to do and also which task to choose for which episode. He felt like he had done a good job and most of his ideas had been accepted by the team without him needing to revise anything. Even those tasks that had needed some tweaks to be just right for the show had already been changed by now. So really, he shouldn't have any reason to worry.

And yet, the closer the end of the break came, the more anxious he got. He just couldn't help but imagine everything that could go wrong. What if he didn't do a good enough job explaining his task?

Mister Yu had done such a beautiful job introducing his, talking about his own beliefs and also that he figured that everyone should be allowed to follow theirs, but also highlighting the importance that congee held in their country's cuisine. Compared to that, would he be able to come even close?

Not even just the explanation, what if something had gone wrong behind the scenes? What if there was a problem with the ingredients? For the congee, the contestants could look through what was available and then choose whatever they wanted from it.

For his task, that wouldn't be possible. So if anything had gone wrong with the ingredients, it would be a disaster. Yes, it might not be his fault, but how many people would think about that when viewing this episode? They would just see that it was his first task and that it had gone wrong and then they would think that it had something to do with him. So yes, he should worry about this.

Then again, maybe he was thinking too much. It wasn't like the show was broadcasted live. The producer had mentioned that the last episode might be if the number of viewers and their interactions suggested that it would be a good idea, but for the ones before that, there was no chance that would happen.

So, even if something did go wrong, as long as they caught onto the problem early enough, they could still make up for it. There should be several ways to do so from starting over to just taking out specific scenes or adjusting something else. And it wasn't like the crew didn't have experience. They would know what to do. So yes, he should just trust them to do well and make it right if anything went wrong.

Xiao Ming shook his head at himself, feeling that he really was a worrywart. That was something he should try to get rid of. The show would go on for several weeks. He'd have to be in the studio as a judge for both days each weekend and would also need to come over to film additional material on the weekdays.

The first week from the casting to the filming for the first episode had been a period of grace. He had been able to do most things in their temporary apartment and didn't need to come here and be around the crew and several cameras. But starting from today, that would change. He'd be here more often and he should better get used to it soon. Unfortunately, it didn't look like he would have any success getting rid of this anxiety.

He hadn't gone over to the judges' table, feeling that sitting down there alone would seem a bit wrong. Instead, he was standing to the side, rubbing his hands together, and wondering how long it could take for the others to come over.

As long as Mister Yu and Miss Chu were there, he would feel at least a little better. After all, they were all judges. Being together made him feel like there wasn't as much of a spotlight on him and that helped tremendously. Just the way it always helped when Qian Huang and Li Shui were in the frame back at home when they were filming for Bright Yellow Water.

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