38 The Dreams of a Friend

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Qian Huang rubbed his face when he finished reading. Shit. Somehow, he couldn't even be angry at this Shi Ru Qiu guy. His words seemed much too heartfelt to keep being furious. Even though seeing this had definitely reopened old wounds for Xiao Ming, Shi Ru Qiu had done this for their benefit because he saw that they were treated unfairly and wanted to help them. It really was difficult to not feel at least a little touched.

Li Shui looked at him, not sure what to say for a moment. "So ... what do we do now? I'd say our case has already gotten pretty high profile. I'm afraid that from now on, there will be even more eyes on us. It won't get any easier."

Qian Huang nodded. He was a bit worried but then again, thinking of Xiao Ming's attitude when he had come into the kitchen this morning, he actually calmed down again. Xiao Ming wasn't unnecessarily worried about people talking. He was worried about not doing a good job.

Streaming was still something that he had experience in so for the next three weeks until 'Golden Spoon' started there shouldn't be a problem. When the casting began, he would definitely be worried beyond belief but the main focus would be on the participants and not the judges. Especially in the casting, Xiao Ming's role would actually be quite small. That meant that he would have a chance to get accustomed to things first before his role became bigger and would make up a central part of the show. Most likely, he would be able to do well with this kind of slowly progressing tasks.

Realizing this, Qian Huang gave a faint smile. "Well, I think that at this point, things are out of our hands anyway. So we'll just deal with it as it comes. There's no way to plan anything anymore. We can only give our best and hope that it's enough. Now though ..." He looked at the door again, his expression turning worried once more. Whatever the public would say definitely wasn't the biggest problem right now. "We should probably go over and see how he is doing. Thankfully, we don't need to stream today. He probably needs quite some time to calm down."

Li Shui nodded and the two of them got up, leaving the kitchen and going over to Xiao Ming's room. The door was closed and they couldn't hear anything from inside, making them wonder how exactly he was doing right now.

Li Shui glanced at Qian Huang, his expression a little panicked. He lowered his voice, trying to make sure that Xiao Ming inside wouldn't hear him. "He wouldn't be crying, would he?" He really hated it when Xiao Ming cried.

Looking back, it wasn't like that happened often but the few times it had, it really broke his heart. Because Xiao Ming was always such a cheerful person, the disparity was so big that it really scared him. If it was possible, he would've liked it if he didn't need to see it even a single time more in this life. Unfortunately, now here they were, maybe right at the moment before he once again would have to deal with that. The big question was: If he was right, how to calm Xiao Ming down?

Qian Huang also looked a little reluctant. When it came to Xiao Ming, he couldn't help but feel a bit like a mother hen protecting its chicks. Seeing him in distress was definitely the worst thing that could happen. It had never been the same with Li Shui because that guy had always had a thick skin but Xiao Ming was different. He was a little more vulnerable and really took things to heart. This kind of situation where the worst thing that ever happened to him was pulled out like that ... he was afraid it would be devastating to him.

In the end, he shook his head and knocked, carefully opening the door and poking his head through the crack. In any case, no matter how he was doing, as his friends, they should be there for him. Their fear of seeing him cry be damned.

Xiao Ming was still sitting on the bed but he had already put away the photo. He looked up, his eyes clearly a little red. Seeing the two of them, he gave them an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left just like that. Did you ... finish reading?"

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