39 Do You Like Him Or Not?

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Qian Huang thought about the matter for a while and finally decided to just make a post himself to address everything. That way, people would be less likely to randomly talk about it in the comment section of the videos since they would have another outlet. Then, the live streams would be going better again. Thus, he immediately took to Weibo, making a new post.

Bright Yellow Water: [Everybody has probably seen the posts by Misses Youya and Shi Ru Qiu. Originally, we didn't want to address this matter because we thought that nobody would believe us but since things have already blown up this much, we've come to realize that we can't stay quiet on it any longer.

Mister Ru is right about the way our channel was founded. As you can imagine, this topic is still difficult for Xiao Ming to handle so we ask everyone to please refrain from asking any further questions. If you really can't let it rest, you can just look for the related articles from back then. We will not give any further statements. — Qian Huang]

He read over the message again and then decisively hit the send button. His refusal to say more might sound rude but he really didn't want to talk about it. When Xiao Ming went online, he would also see all the posts and comments. He shouldn't have to clarify what had happened in his own life. Not when it was about something like this. And if the viewers and bystanders were really too curious, they could just check it themselves. No need to bother anyone else.

He already wanted to close his notebook when a notification popped up that they had gotten a message. He raised his brows, fearing that it might be some news outlet but when he clicked on it, he saw a very familiar handle.

Nin Sha: [I'm sorry.]

Qian Huang raised his brows even higher. What exactly was this guy apologizing for? Would it hurt him to add another word? He tsked and then wrote a response. If it was anyone else, he probably wouldn't bother but considering that Nin Sha had also been implicated in this whole mess, he felt that he definitely deserved one. Also, over the years, Nin Sha had been one of the people that supported them the most. It just didn't feel right to ignore him.

Bright Yellow Water: [It's Qian Huang. What exactly do you mean?]

He waited but he didn't get an answer. His brows twitched and he sighed heavily, sending yet another message.

Bright Yellow Water: [Xiao Ming currently isn't checking the account. So he doesn't have to see everything that's going on.]

In the house of the ninjas, Si Jin lifted his phone again, looking at the message with the faint hope that this time, it would be from Xiao Ming himself. When he saw that it still wasn't, he was disappointed but at the very least, the content of this message was about Xiao Ming. Hesitating for a moment, he finally responded after all.

Nin Sha: [I didn't want things to develop like this.]

If not for the fact that Si Shi Qi's sister had caught onto everything, then Xiao Ming wouldn't have been hurt in the first place and Si Qi never would have needed to write that post which had just made Xiao Ming sad.

Qian Huang stared at this message and tried to wrap his head around what exactly Nin Sha meant. After a moment, it finally clicked. This guy ... he should be feeling guilty?

He was stunned and couldn't help but stare at the screen for a moment, not sure how to react. Finally, he glanced at Xiao Ming who was currently preparing breakfast for them. He hesitated for a moment and then raised his phone, snapping a photo.

Xiao Ming looked up, a little puzzled at what was going on. "Is something up?"

Qian Huang put on an innocent expression and shook his head. "No, just that my arms grew a little numb so I stretched. Do you still need long for breakfast? I want to answer some comments."

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