125 More Doubts to Clear Up

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The other contestants couldn't help but give the two members of Bright Yellow Water that were standing in the front a scrutinizing look while the staff members in the back observed Li Shui instead.

Li Shui just ignored what was going on while Xiao Ming was embarrassed and really didn't know what to do so he just stiffly stood there, hoping nobody would address him.

Seeing his teammates being like this, Qian Huang felt like he needed to step up. Clearing his throat, he turned to Yang Shu Na. "I think that it would be a bit too much to ask us to provide our bank statements to everyone but if the show itself wants to check just to make sure that there was no bribery going on behind the scenes, we will provide you with the necessary information." Glancing at Fan Mei, he couldn't help but give a huff. "If that isn't enough for some people, we also don't mind having this checked by a third party. Maybe that will make matters seem more legit."

Yang Shu Na felt put on the spot with having to decide at this moment. In the end, she could only smile noncommittally and incline her head. "Thank you very much for the offer, Mister Qian. This is something that I can't decide myself but I will relay your offer to producer Bian. He will make the decision regarding that later on."

Qian Huang hadn't really expected her to be any more straightforward so he just nodded. In any case, it was only important that everybody else got off their case. Having Fan Mei doubt them was one thing but if the other contestants joined in, then they would really have a problem.

The other two judges had both said their piece and Qian Huang had made a generous offer to the show, so everyone couldn't help but turn back to Fan Mei to see what else she had to say.

She stiffened, naturally not happy with how things had gone. In any case, the things Chu Yu An had just shown them were indeed somewhat throwing doubt on her conjecture. And yet, she wasn't willing to just let matters go.

In any case, it wasn't like she hadn't also seen other things that pointed in the direction that more was going on. And actually, Bright Yellow Water and Xiao Ming were more at the periphery of the actual problem. The one she was really suspicious of was Si Jin, not Xiao Ming. And that was because of his relationship with her brother. 'Golden Spoon' was just something else she had latched onto because it was a point where she could start investigating.

Reminding herself of what she had seen, Fan Mei turned back to look at Si Yi. "Everything Ms. Chu has just said surely seems to be pointing in the direction that no money was exchanged. But back then, I was chasing several leads. I am sure that there is more to this. Maybe it isn't tied to a financial aspect but there is something."

Among the other contestants, one rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath. "Look at her moving the goalpost! First, it's about money, then popularity, and now that both were disproved, she suddenly thinks of something else that could be wrong. Next up, she'll say he's communicating with extraterrestrial forces!"

To her left, Si Shi Yi couldn't help but laugh.

She looked over and clasped a hand over her mouth when she realized that he had clearly heard what she had said. She had been sure she had spoken quietly enough!

Huyan Xia already wanted to turn away in embarrassment when Si Shi Yi tapped his ear and whispered back. "Musician. My hearing is pretty good. I'm sure you don't have to worry about the others."

On the other side of Huyan Xia, Si Shi Liu couldn't help but lean forward and stare at the other ninja. What was he supposed to say now? Tap his temple and go 'I'm with the police. I know what you're going to say even before you yourself know what you want to say based on my gut feeling'? That didn't seem to work.

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