124 Not a Person with Money

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Chu Yu An put on a thoughtful expression and even gave a hum, trying to make matters a little more exciting. Anyway, knowing these kinds of TV channels, they would always do things according to what got them the most viewers.

In this case, while they might not show the current argument on TV, they would for sure post clips of it online. Maybe not those that were obviously filmed by the big camera, but there would absolutely be sneaky shots from a phone camera. They'd probably coincidently be 'leaked' sometime next week to drive the hype.

This meant that she had to be careful for her own sake. Even though she didn't rely on this show too much herself, she wouldn't risk her reputation and also had to make sure that she did a good job to help Xiao Ming. She couldn't be hasty.

She finally gave a hum to signal that she had made up her mind and carefully eased into the plan she had come up with. "Well, with Mister Yu asking like this, I have to say that I agree with the points you already mentioned.

"I didn't get the same preparation as Mister Yu from the producer. When I was invited as a guest judge, the concept of the show was explained to me, and you and Mister Xiao were named as the fixed main judges. It wasn't even explained what kind of background you had so I had to look that up on my own.

"To do that, of course, I also watched a couple of videos on Bright Yellow Water's channel. The impression I had was pretty similar. But I think we don't even need to take that part into consideration. Today alone is a good way to judge already.

"You know, the task you gave the contestants today was actually difficult to judge. If everyone is required to make the same dish and we are really only looking for them to achieve the right consistency, while giving them a bit of freedom with the additional ingredients, then there isn't much variety in what we can say in response to the dishes.

"I've even joked about this before when one of the contestants came up because I was already at a loss. What am I going to say? The consistency was achieved or not. It was god, very good or close to perfect. It might have been almost there or quite a bit off. In terms of consistency, one sentence is all we need.

"At the side, we can judge the choice of ingredients, how they harmonize, and affect the taste, and we can also say something about the looks of the dish. But even when we say all these things, it doesn't amount to that much more. And we are three people. We don't want to repeat everything the others already said so that makes it even more difficult. It really wasn't an easy task to start on even as a judge.

"Also, I don't know about either of you but I've never had to judge on a TV show before. I'm just working in my own restaurant, and maybe if a friend or family member asked, I would give a bit of feedback but never in this kind of manner. It is just different if it's for a TV show, you know? Especially different if there are more than sixty people in front of you that all want to hear something about their dish.

"So, again, this task wasn't easy to judge. I think that Mister Xiao has done a really good job with it though. In fact, I'd like to say that he did a better job at this than me. Although ..." She tilted her head from side to side, pulling a face. "I didn't do badly, Mister Xiao just has more information than I did. As a main judge, that is only natural but he did make use of that and I think that is very important for his role on this show.

"To explain more what I mean, I think that he has managed to grasp onto some matters we saw people struggling with. For example, Mister Si himself." She motioned over to Si Jin who still wore the same blank expression as usual and didn't respond.

Chu Yu An would have liked some help with making her point but considering that he hadn't only started doing that just now but had been at for the whole day, she didn't think too much about it. Well, at the very least, he wasn't a pig teammate who tried to refuse what she said.

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