19 A Legit Chef

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Back in the other stream, Si Shi Wu was once again nodding. "This is a good way to summarize what he has been doing so far. There really are a few lessons to be learned in regards to making your dishes more appealing visually. In some cases, a garnish might have more functions than just to be pleasing to the eye but since this was what they were going to talk about today, I think this is a good way to wrap it up. At the very least, I think this summary means he is wrapping this up." To be honest, he had seen a few of Young Master Xiao's streams before but he naturally couldn't admit to that so he just went with the impression that the stream would likely be giving other viewers.

On the other hand, Xiao Ming naturally wasn't finished just yet. "Well, all of this has taken quite a bit of time so our sesame rollups will be finish proofing soon and can be steamed as well. In the meantime, let's answer a few questions that might be left and then dig in. I'm pretty sure that Li Shui and Qian Huang already can't wait much longer."

There was a mumbled agreement from behind the camera and Qian Huang laughed.

"Since you specifically chose these dishes for me, how could I say I wasn't looking forward to it?"

Xiao Ming smiled and then started to arrange all of the plates on the table, leaving a bit of space for the sesame rollups that had to be added later. Li Shui moved the camera to follow his movements and then showed the overall image of the table.

"Well, save for the sesame rollups, this is everything that we've done today. So in terms of how to make our dishes look appealing, we have covered that you can make a dish itself into a work of art by adding a bit of color or using a special shape. We have also come back to the cutting techniques that we've talked about in the last live stream which can be used to cut your dish so that it can be placed in a specific way which will influence how a viewer perceives your dish. Furthermore, we have talked about how you can use different plates, colors, patterns, and embellishments like sauces or garnishes from other ingredients to make your dish look more appealing.

"Now, you might be wondering whether these are the only ways to decorate a dish in order to make it look more appetizing." He looked at the camera as if he was waiting for an answer from the viewers.

Some people were confused and started typing in the chat.

Little blossom: [I don't think it should be everything?]

Cat Dancing on a Wire: [I don't think so either but I'm not sure what else you could do. Seeing those cooks in the TV shows, this is pretty much what they are doing. Is Xiao Ming just making fun of us?]

In the other stream, Si Shi Wu laughed. "He definitely knows how to interact with his audience. So far, he has always given them all the answers immediately but now, he is actually asking such a question. It's quite interesting to see.

"To answer his question: I would say that this isn't everything. While you could probably say that the things he's covered are the majority of what you can do, there are a few things that are a little outside of what was mentioned so far.

"I guess it's a bit of a question of interpretation though. What exactly counts as an ingredient that you can use as a garnish? And what exactly is meant by the cutting styles? Depending on that, the answer to this question will also be a different one."

Back at the 'Bright Yellow Water' live stream, Xiao Ming finally stopped teasing his viewers and answered his own question. "Of course, there are more things that we couldn't cover today. I tried to give a few examples of the most common techniques but there are a few ideas that we didn't talk about yet.

"For example, I mentioned that you could use ingredients as garnishes whether they were used in the dish already or other ingredients like spices or herbs. But I'm sure that you've also seen decorations on dishes already that aren't actual, edible ingredients and really just used as decorations. For example, think of those little paper umbrellas that you will sometimes see in a cocktail. They aren't edible but they can still make for a pretty decoration. There are other similar things that could be used.

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