33 All-Around Bad

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[I'm not going to just bash her looks. I'll show you that she's an all-around, three hundred sixty degrees bad woman! And that no matter which part of her life you look at. Now, let's start with her work ethic!

As I said before, this Misses Youya is actually a reporter on the radio. Now, I don't know about you but I looked up what that entailed to make sure I won't make any unsubstantiated claims. So, turns out, she's not just yapping away in front of a microphone. No, she has to do some research stuff and write some of the things that are going to be reported on.

Well, at the very least, she should be doing that. But look at exhibit A! This vile woman is actually letting everybody else do the hard work while she gets the laurels afterward!]

Below this statement was a whole gallery of screenshots from conversations that Fan Mei had had with coworkers on WeChat. Each and every single one of them was her asking them to do something for her.

Si Shi Qi furrowed his brows. Looking at it closely, you could see that these conversations were spread out over the course of several years so this was actually something that happened just once in a blue moon. But with so many of them put together, the impression they gave was a completely different one, namely that she was always relying on others instead of doing work herself.

This wasn't good. While not too many people might care about it if she was bashing a cooking channel and only those who wanted to watch the world burn would come over to look at the one in question, things were a bit different when it concerned his sister. After all, over the years, she had exposed quite a few people.

Some of them had even lost their careers over something like this. And even those who had been enough of a big name at the time to not be affected as much certainly hadn't been happy about it either. He could very well imagine that there would be at least a couple of people who would be willing to blow this up further to make sure that she would get her just deserts.

Thus, it was pretty likely that her employer would also soon hear about this kind of thing. And while there might not be too many cases of this and her colleagues might even be willing to testify that it hadn't been a constant issue, she had already become a liability. After all, her name was associated with exposing scandals. That wasn't necessarily the type of thing that a radio channel would want to be tied to. So she might very well lose her job over this.

He sighed, shook his head, and then continued to read. In any case, there was still a chance to remedy the situation if they went about it in a smart way.

[This isn't all. Her private life is just as messy as her career. Look at this poor chap that she shamelessly took to the cleaners before dumping him!]

Once again, the lacking writing style was supplemented by what seemed like evidence at first glance. There were screenshots of conversations, as well as a few audio files, all of them detailing what the man in question had done for Fan Mei. Finally, the last exhibit was the one where she was breaking up with him.

Si Shi Qi's brows furrowed together. This was actually a video file. Getting the screenshots and recordings was definitely easy but he really wondered why there would be a whole video of his sister breaking up with her boyfriend. She certainly hadn't filmed herself doing this so that left the question of just why Si Er had this.

Even if he tried to hack into some kind of security camera, this shouldn't have been possible. If he remembered correctly, Fan Mei had already broken up with this guy three years ago. There shouldn't be any evidence left in any public space of something that had happened that long ago. Could it be that Si Er had already been gathering things against her at that time? This was really too much! This was a family member of his.

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