102 A Special Stream to Honor a Special Episode

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After the mini-episode had aired, Tao Jin came out with another Weibo post, thanking the crew for inviting her and Mister Yu and Xiao Ming for giving her feedback. She also apologized for having to pull a little trick on the latter two so that she wouldn't disturb the show, mentioning how she regretted not being able to ask them even more questions.

Whoever had still been grumbling about Xiao Ming and Mister Yu daring to criticize Tao Jin had to stop after that. Because not only had Tao Jin given her thanks, she had also attached photos of two freshly-made plates of quenelles, showing that she had taken the feedback to heart and was indeed happy about it.

The first photo showed a plate with a small bowl of sauce, that had the quenelles arranged just how Xiao Ming had suggested, while the second plate held two small side dishes that were placed together with the quenelles.

In case anybody had still been wondering what this was about, Tao Jin had helpfully put a caption directly on the pictures that read 'making a lovely-looking, lovely-tasting meal for my beloved husband'.

Clearly, even though she had been criticized, Tao Jin had been happy about it. Her fans definitely wouldn't dare to drag somebody for doing something that inspired their goddess so the worries that Qian Huang and Li Shui had had turned out to be unfounded. Xiao Ming had indeed been right that as long as Tao Jin was there to help out, there wouldn't be a problem.

Now, that the mini-episode was over, it was time for the three men of Bright Yellow Water to prepare for their own stream the next day. Originally, they had planned to just review the mini-episode but Xiao Ming was still worried about how this might not be in line with what their channel usually did, losing them too many viewers.

In any case, they wouldn't be able to have normal streams with cooking for the next couple of weeks. Online, that was a long time. He really didn't dare to take any chances. At least some of their streams should include some cooking. Unfortunately, he didn't have any idea how to incorporate that into today's stream.

Seeing him pace up and down, wringing his hands, Qian Huang could only sigh. "You know, you're not the only person working on this channel. Why don't you just leave the planning to me?"

Xiao Ming turned back to him, feeling that Qian Huang was making this sound too easy. "Well, do you have an idea? Because I don't think it's that easy."

Qian Huang gave a hum and shrugged his shoulders but there was a faint smile on his lips. "To be honest, I might have one."

Xiao Ming raised his brows and then walked over, sitting down on the couch next to him. "What is it?"

Qian Huang glanced over to where Li Shui was sitting at the counter, typing on his phone again. Well, it seemed he was busy. He gave another hum and then leaned closer to Xiao Ming, whispering into his ear.

Xiao Ming was confused for a moment, but then, his brows rose even higher and he finally nodded. "Well, I guess it might work. And I guess experience shows that this is something that people like to see. But are you sure it's going to be enough? Also, I'm not quite sure if that will be in line with the contract."

Qian Huang clicked his tongue. "About what's in line with the contract or not, leave that up to me. Also, I have another idea that we can try to ensure it will definitely be.

"I don't think they'll have anything to complain about. Also, the more it's tied to the show, the less the producer will say something even if it wasn't quite what they had in mind. Anyway, as long as the number of viewers is high, it'll be alright. That's the only thing they care about."

Xiao Ming was still a little hesitant but finally nodded. When it came to these legal and organizational things, Qian Huang was evidently the person who was better suited to deal with them. He should just trust that. "Alright, then we'll do it that way. I'll go and check if we have everything at home we need."

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