6 An Anonymous Onion Donor

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While Si Jin continued to practice his onion cutting skills under the guidance of Si Shi Wu, Xiao Ming and Qian Huang got back to work. They had already planned the first few live streams to make sure that they wouldn't have to rush anything if all their viewers were in favor of doing the specials. So now, all that was left was to implement the plan they had come up with while keeping up with the usual tasks.

Scrolling through the many comments that Nin Sha's post had gotten, Qian Huang grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Honestly, he really is your certified number one fan. With this, we have less advertising to do. Some guy cutting up ten thousand onions for you is definitely the kind of news that we need right now. I guess that means I should use the opportunity and post the list of ingredients right now."

Xiao Ming nodded. "I think that's a good idea. That way, everyone will have enough time to get them if they want to take part. Don't forget to separate the ingredients for the task from the others for the dishes."

"Sure thing!" Qian Huang nodded and then copied the post he had already prepared.

Bright Yellow Water: [Cutting special for tomorrow's live stream! If you want to practice cutting alongside Xiao Ming, you will need the following ingredients: yams, daikon radish, soft tofu (either silken or regular), seasoned tofu, chili, as well as green onions. For other ingredients of the dishes, see the attachment! — Qian Huang] He added a photo of the list of ingredients that Xiao Ming had written, showcasing his beautiful handwriting, and smiled to himself.

Looking at the message and the first few likes that were coming in, he couldn't help but purse his lips and rub his chin. Finally, he couldn't help himself and sent another message.

Bright Yellow Water: [No other onions required! — Qian Huang]

Back at the ninjas' house, Si Jin picked up his phone and then furrowed his brows when he saw that it hadn't been Xiao Ming who posted. Because of that, he didn't even bother to read it and just went back to cutting onions.

On the other hand, the other fans were sending rows of laughter after the second message while some mentioned that they would go and get the ingredients this evening or the next morning.

It seemed that the next live stream and the specials were off to a good start.

Qian Huang continued to take care of the channel while Xiao Ming went back to the recipes until it was finally time to eat the stew.

Li Shui came running over as soon as Xiao Ming opened the lid, almost looking as if he'd start to drool the next moment. Xiao Ming raised his brows at him, tasted the stew, and finally nodded to himself before he ladled some of it into a bowl and handed it to Li Shui. Immediately, their cameraman took off to the other side of the counter, huddled over his bowl, and started to slurp it down.

Xiao Ming chuckled and then called for Qian Huang to come over as well so the three of them could eat together before they had to get back to work.

With everybody soon focusing on their own tasks again, it was soon evening and they finally went to sleep with everything for the first live stream special having been taken care of save for the ingredients they still needed.

The next morning, Xiao Ming got up early, made breakfast for the three of them, and then headed out together with Li Shui. They went to the market they usually frequented. It was only a few streets away so that didn't need to take the car and could just go on foot.

The auntie that sold the vegetables waved at them and gave them a big smile when they came over. "Xiao Ming, I saw you on the television yesterday! Is it true that you are going to be on there with that Mister Yu?"

The Onion-Cutting Ninja's Secret CrushWhere stories live. Discover now