120 Don't Lie to Me!

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Fan Mei couldn't help but feel nervous. If those security cameras were really working, what would they show? She was afraid that the answer to that question wouldn't be one that she liked.

No matter what she thought though, there was enough doubt about her actions that Yang Shu Na couldn't refuse to check the recordings. She invited the judges, as well as the other contestants, back into the studio, and then had the other members of the crew set up a stream of the security feed a little behind the judges' table.

Anyway, by now, the argument had drawn so much attention that she couldn't just ignore the other contestants. If they felt that there was somebody going around trying to sabotage them, then the crew behind the show needed to prove that they were taking such accusations seriously. More transparency needed to be given as well.

Everybody went to stand behind their own cooking station, save for Si Jin who stood to the side, looking at the stream from there.

Yang Shu Na raised her brows at him. "That ... What about you? Aren't you going to go back to your workstation?" She definitely didn't want to have yet another contestant act out so Si Jin's behavior was something that she wasn't too happy to see.

If things went on like this, the producer might really need to assign even more staff to the show so that there would be somebody to essentially babysit these people. Who would've thought that filming a cooking show could be such a headache?

Si Jin really didn't want to talk and was wondering if he should even say something when Si Er already jumped in to save his master.

"Ms. Yang, he is the one whose workstation that Ms. Fan went to. I think it's in his own interest to stay a bit further away so she can't later say that he was responsible in case there's indeed something odd about it. I think it's better if he stands somewhere else."

Yang Shu Na looked over to the cooking station and realized that, indeed, this was the one that Si Er had described before. "Well, in that case, just stand somewhere else. Now, let's have a look at the security feed together."

She motioned at the crewmember in charge of the stream and they rewound the feed from where it was currently showing everyone in the studio back to the beginning of the break.

There, it showed how everyone left the room together, the judges slightly lagging behind because they had still been talking to each other. For a while, there was nothing else happening in the studio. Then, a person stepped in.

The contestants' brows shot up when they realized that this was not Fan Mei though. Instead, it was Judge Xiao.

The crewmember paused and looked at Yang Shu Na.

She wasn't quite sure what to make of this either and slightly furrowed her brows before she turned to Xiao Ming. "Judge Xiao, why did you go back to the studio?"

Xiao Ming froze, feeling put on the spot. He really would've liked to say that he had stage fright and needed to take a breather before the next part started, but that was pretty much the same thing that Fan Mei had said before so he didn't think that it would be a good idea to say that.

Chu Yu An glanced at him and then raised her brows. Clearly, Xiao Ming was a rather nervous person. Without a bit of help, who knew if he could explain himself? Considering that he had already been pulled into this matter against his will before, she figured she couldn't leave him alone with this.

She gave a hum and then just spoke up instead of him. "Ms. Yang, what's with that question? Judge Xiao isn't the one who is under scrutiny here whether he was in the studio before Ms. Fan came in shouldn't matter at all. But either way, he is in charge of the next task. Of course, he'd take some time to go in and revisit his instructions again. After all, we need to make sure that they are clear for the contestants. Just one wrong word might change the meaning, rehearsing is vital. Anyway, can we get back to finding out what Ms. Fan did now?"

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