11 Guess Who!

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Si Jin stared at the radishes for a moment before his gaze became distant. Well, he had also seen Xiao Ming with some radishes. They were also very common ingredients in his recipes. So he probably shouldn't be surprised that this was one of the ingredients that Si Shi Wu wanted him to handle. Anyway, the more ingredients he got familiar with, the better. This would heighten his chances of winning 'Golden Spoon' and gaining a date with Xiao Ming, after all. Nothing was too hard to achieve that goal.

Si Jin took the first radish out of the box and turned to Si Shi Wu for instructions. To his surprise, they didn't turn out any different than before. Once again, he was just supposed to handle them like he had done with the onions and the mangoes: cut them into the different shapes he had already learned and make sure to stay consistent in size.

Si Jin didn't complain and just started to work on it, slowly making his way through all of the items. The other ninjas followed suit and the sweet smell of the mangoes that was still lingering in the room was soon joined by the slightly more pungent smell of the radish.

While the ninjas worked quietly, night came and went. Back at the house of Bright Yellow Water, Xiao Ming and Li Shui were woken up by a scream.

Li Shui fell out of the bed, his legs caught in the blanket but he still raised his head. He hit the floor and tried to wrest his way out of the fabric, rolling onto his back, and kicking his legs to somehow get rid of it.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ming managed to pull his blanket back and rushed straight over to the other room, whipping the door open to see what was going on. As a result, he found Qian Huang sitting upright in bed as if frozen stiff. His blanket was still wrapped around his legs while he was holding his phone, staring at the screen intently as if he wanted to make it go up in smoke.

"What's the matter?"

Back in the other room, Li Shui managed to pull one leg out of the cocoon that had formed. He didn't bother any further and just got up, rushing over to see what had happened to Qian Huang.

"What's the matter?!" He already called out from the other end of the corridor and rushed further, hurriedly reaching out and grabbing Xiao Ming's shoulder, as well as the door frame, to stop himself from running into the wall.

Qian Huang turned to them with wide eyes and then waved his phone. "Guess who just posted about us on Weibo."

Xiao Ming closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then sighed. Well, he probably should've expected that it was something like this. Who would break in and try to murder his assistant? No, it had to be something happening on their channel.

Li Shui blinked his eyes, kind of confused. "Who?"

"Tao. Jin."

Li Shui blinked his eyes again. "Tao Jin?"

Xiao Ming opened his eyes at once, staring at Qian Huang doubtfully. "You ... you can't mean the actress Tao Jin."

Qian Huang raised his brows and started smiling madly.

Xiao Ming reached out to Li Shui, needing something to hold onto. He just couldn't believe that this was real. It had to be that he was still dreaming. Who was Tao Jin? That was the current national goddess that had won the award for best newcomer in her first year, best supporting actress in her second year, and best female lead in her third year.

Since then, what award hadn't she won? What award-winning movie hadn't she participated in? If Tao Jin was in a movie, then the movie was guaranteed to be a success. That was how good Tao Jin was. That actress ... No, he couldn't believe that she would know about a small food channel like theirs. There just was no way.

The Onion-Cutting Ninja's Secret CrushWhere stories live. Discover now