101 I'm Thankful for the Feedback!

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Back on the screen, the young woman was smiling brightly. "Hello, Mister Yu, Mister Xiao, I'm happy to be here."

Xiao Ming had already been told at that point that this wasn't this young woman's dish but looking at her attitude and her brightly shining eyes, he hadn't been able to not feel good about her. Clearly, while she was taking part in screwing over two people doing their job at the moment, she was still a nice person. And anyway, he was pretty sure that there was more to this than he would be able to see.

Most likely, she was somebody who was working at the same company as goddess Tao Jin. Wasn't that how these things worked? Tao Jin did the program a favor by appearing in this kind of mini-episode, and as a thank you, they would do her and her company a favor by showcasing a junior that was supposed to make a breakthrough in a short while or maybe even somebody who would have their debut soon.

Maybe in a later episode, she would even reappear again, becoming a special guest herself. It would be a win-win for everyone. Well, save for him and Mister Yu in case they did something wrong. But then, they had been warned behind the scenes so that also wasn't something he needed to worry about.

In any case, since he felt good about her, he smiled back. "Hello there! Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself and the dish you made?" Since this was for special promotional material, he had figured that it would be good to give them something more to show. He hadn't known how the final episode would look but had felt that it was an opportunity.

The girl had indeed jumped at it. "Of course! I'm Xing Xiang and I've come from the capital city to take part in 'Golden Spoon'. The dish I've made is something that I've encountered on a vacation I took with my grandparents when I was still a child. I remember how they took me to a foreign restaurant and we had this dish. It's a very dear memory to me so I've always thought fondly of the dish as well. So even though I usually prefer Chinese food, for this occasion, I figured that it might be a nice opportunity to make this dish. I'm hoping that the memories that are tied to it and the spirits of my grandparents will help me make it into the next round."

Qian Huang snorted. "The spirits of her grandparents are probably scolding her right now. Lying this shamelessly on TV! Shouldn't she be ashamed of herself?!"

Xiao Ming glanced at him and shook his head. "I'm pretty sure that she was instructed to do so. Just doing your job, is that also shameful? Also, we were told before she started to talk. I'm sure that at the end of the episode, there will be some kind of meeting between her and goddess Tao Jin where everything will be cleared up. So it's not really lying, it's just a story she is telling for entertainment value. I can't even be angry at that and I was the one involved in this. What are you getting angry for?"

"Well, of course, I'm getting angry for your sake! You take everything this lightly, somebody has to worry a bit more about you."

On the other side, Li Shui nodded. Even though he also didn't think that a cute girl lying on TV was a problem, worrying about Xiao Ming was still something they should do. That friend of theirs wasn't able to worry enough about himself. If they didn't protect him, then he was afraid that sooner or later, it would be his downfall.

Xiao Ming shook his head at the two of them and turned back to the screen.

His past self was still smiling brightly. "That's a beautiful story. I'm sure that your grandparents would be proud of you."

There were some people laughing in the comments of the video, clearly finding it funny that he had this easily accepted that kind of bullshit lie.

Xiao Ming could see them but he didn't mind. Anyway, he had known and just played along and even if he hadn't, he would never regret taking somebody at their word. If it had been the truth and he would've laughed in her face and scolded her that she shouldn't tell them such a sob story, what kind of person would that make him? Anyway, this feeling of having nice memories about a dish ... he could understand it very well.

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