112 An Illustrious Group of Participants

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In Si Jin's heart of hearts, he was actually a mess. Xiao Ming himself might not have said that he was a handsome man, but at the very least, he hadn't disagreed when Chu Yu An suggested it.

Could this be counted as a silent approval? Did this mean that Xiao Ming thought about him in the same way? Just the notion that this might be true was enough to make the ninja happy. He wouldn't show it on his face but, of course, the thoughts were still there.

Yes, how could he not be happy? For so many years, he had been silently chasing after him, advertising himself in the comment section of the Bright Yellow Water channel, hoping that Xiao Ming would notice him and pay more attention to him. Now, they were finally face-to-face and look at how smoothly things were developing! It really was true what people said: A handsome face was worth its weight in gold.

Come to think of it, he hadn't really cared before. While yes, he did have to admit that being good-looking could open some doors, it wasn't all that important if you were already in a position where they would be open anyway.

What did he have to gain from this face? Would the loyalty of the ninjas of the Si clan be swayed by just a pretty face? Of course not! As for business partners, while having a good-looking face wasn't bad, it also couldn't influence their decisions. That still relied on benefits.

So to him, for most of his life, being good-looking had seemed like not much of a big deal. In fact, there had even been times when he thought that it would be better to look more average. Then, he would have an easier time blending into his surroundings and doing things for the Si clan.

While he might have subordinates to do so, that didn't mean that there weren't also things he would like to do by himself. But with his face, it was sometimes difficult to do so.

To be honest, even with that kind of face, Si Jin probably wouldn't have had as much of a problem if he was just able to put on an expression like a normal person. But with the deadpan expression he wore each day, that was able to freak out most people, he naturally wouldn't be able to blend into a group of people.

Yes, in his pursuit of not revealing any flaws, the master of the Si clan had managed to develop a cumbersome weakness. Well, Si Jin wouldn't care much. To him, the most difficult annoying about his usual expression was really that Xiao Ming probably also wouldn't like it.

He thought back to last week at the casting when Si Er had given him the hint to smile a bit more and how Xiao Ming's expression had softened a bit when he saw it. With that in mind, Si Jin tried to force himself to give another smile.

Chu Yu An was the first to notice this change since Xiao Ming was still busy trying not to look in the ninja's direction. Seeing it, she was stunned for a moment and then elbowed Xiao Ming's side. "My eyes have been opened! Have you ever seen that Nin Sha smile?"

Xiao Ming glanced at her and then involuntarily also glanced in Si Jin's direction. Hearing her mention a smile, he just couldn't help himself. As expected, what he found was the same expression as last week that looked as if it physically hurt him to stretch his face this way. It really was quite pitiful and seeing it, he almost wanted to smile back to comfort him, but then just looked away again.

Chu Yu An noticed that he didn't even dare to look at Si Jin and couldn't help leaning closer. "What's the matter? You wouldn't be embarrassed, would you?" Honestly, just watching for a while, it was pretty clear that Si Jin had a thing for him and not just in the way that a fan did.

In any case, while Xiao Ming was indeed a popular streamer online when it came to cooking and might have some fanatical fans just as every celebrity did no matter how small or big, there was still a difference between this and that. She could imagine that receiving that kind of affection could indeed make the recipient not know how to deal with it.

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