The Forest

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The infinite black canvas sparkled with millions of tiny dots. None of the villagers knew what they were. My candle glowed softly in the background as I looked up at the sky. That's when I looked down, seeing the wheatfield glow under the moonlight. I saw it rustle.

"Strange, there's no wind. Maybe Henrietta got out of the coop again."

I whispered to myself. I grabbed my cape and grabbed the candle. My feet softly tapped on the wood as I walked. I then opened the door to my old home and walked along the stone path and into the wheatfield.

"Henrietta? Are you there? Where are you, you silly chicken."

I whispered out. I walked to the coop and saw that the doorways still latched shut. I decided to unhook the latch and have a peek inside.

"One, two, three, four.."

I counted every chicken.

"Strange, all ten chickens and the rooster are in here."

I said with a soft voice. I then brushed it off as my mind was playing tricks as I was tired. I slowly pulled my head away to not wake the sleeping critters. I then shut the door gently, closing the latch. I sighed and started to head back to the path. The wheat softly brushed against my dress and wolf fur cape. I walked to my house, reaching the door but I stopped. Sensing eyes. I slowly pulled my hood up and got on my knees. Making sure I looked like a wolf. I started to growl and got low, as if to pounce. I then heard feet run off. I quickly got up and ran inside. I set the candle down on my bedside table. I pulled off my cape and hung it on the hook. I then walked to my bed and carefully laid down facing the candle. I took a small breath and let it out. Blowing the candle out, tuning the wik black as coal. 

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