She Returns

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 Ever since Ulf left me in this huge temple-like thing, I began to wonder what was going on outside. I wondered if my home was destroyed or if anyone else made it out alive. Then my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a familiar cluck. I bolted to the door and there she stood with Fáelán standing there at her side. Tears flooded my eyes as I ran to Henrietta's side.

"See, I told you she was here."

Henrietta then clucked to Fáelán and snuggled into my arms. Tears fell down my cheeks and onto her pale white feathers. I kept weeping as I looked her over, seeing a few bandages wrapped around where her rubs would sit and I saw small planks of wood helping support her weight on her left leg. I looked up at Fáelán and motioned to her leg.

"It was broken when Hayden kicked her, but she's almost good as new. She just needs some rest and good care. I was entrusted to take her to you for such care."

"Thank you Fáelán, I appreciate you bringing her here."

Fáelán nodded and turned to leave. I carefully scooped up Henrietta and carried her to what looked like a kitchen. Carefully placing her upon a counter I started looking through what I could whip up. I saw many fruits and vegetables but something caught my eye. There stood two large doors of iron with some frost creeping through some of the cracks.

"What do you think this is my dear?"

Henrietta clucked softly, seeming to share my confusion. I hummed and carefully reached the silvery handle. I carefully grabbed it and slowly turned it. The feeling of the metal chilled me down to my bones. There was a small click and the door slowly creaked open, revealing a large, dark and freezing room unleashing the vapor trapped inside. I looked at Henrietta and walked toward a lit candle with a holder. I slowly started to walk into the freezing room, my only light being a flickering candle.

"I'll be back my dear, I promise. If not, not try to look for me in there."

Henrietta clucked softly. I walked in, gulping and taking a slow deep breath. I slowly moved the candle, careful as to not accidentally extinguish the flame. That's when I saw ice. Huge blocks of it. As I walked through, I saw a soft yellow glow. I slowly approached it and saw that it was...meat? No, it wasn't just meat, it was a whole carcass! It was far too big to be any sort of cattle. Could it be something from the wild? A doe perhaps? No, can't be a doe, it's far too big to be a doe. Could it be a stag? No, no, no, that's also too small for this creature. That's when I saw a huge claw. Could this be...a bear? Suddenly, an ice cold wind started to blow and the carcass started to move. I dropped the candle and started to run towards the exit. The creature roared and I heard its feet squishing and tearing at the frozen ground. I had just made it out before I turned around and slammed the door shut. Feeling the creature slam against the door and roar at it. 

"I don't think we should go in there my dear."

Henrietta clucked in agreement. I walked over to her and cuddled into her . I felt safe in her presence. I then looked at Henrietta as both of our stomachs started to growl. I giggled softly and started looking through the many foods, but that's when something caught my eye. A large wooden door with carvings on it.


I slowly walked over to it and grabbed the golden handle. I turned it and it slowly opened but it didn't creak. I poked my head in and saw smoked meats hanging on large meat hooks. The smell was heavenly. I looked at Henrietta and smiled. Closing the door I walked over to a bag of feed and grabbed a handful. I then walked over to her, scooping her up and taking her to a beautifully carved rocking chair. I carefully sat in it and gently set Henrietta in my lap. I then held up the feed to her as she gratefully starting eating. 

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