What Happened?!

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 I started huffing and puffing. Something was wrong down in my home, I must see if my flower and Henrietta are safe! I approached the runes and saw that everything looked normal. The doorway opened for me and I quickly ran down the stone stairs.

"Flower! Henrietta! Where are you?!"

I heard something in my room and quickly rushed over. My heart sank when I saw Henrietta struggling to stand. I shifted out of my wolf form and approached her. Tears ran down my cheeks as I fell to my knees. I carefully scooped her up and started examining her. One wing was snapped like a twig and she had a broken leg. My lip quivered as more tears ran down my cheeks. I then carefully started to rush out of my home. I looked left, then right. Checking to see if my brother is around. If they saw poor Henrietta like this and knew that my Flower was missing, they'd tear this world apart. That's when something caught my nose.


I started snarling but then I shook my head. Henrietta is my focus as of right now. I must find Soarin, she's the only one who can heal her. I then ran far from the forest, running past fields, farms and other villages. Once the beautiful green grass started to fade away and gravel started to become more frequent. That's when I looked up and saw Soarin's mountain. Looking down at Henrietta, I knew she wouldn;t make it if I started in my human form so I gently laid her down and changed back into a wolf. I then lowered my head and gently took her in my mouth, even scooping up some gravel.

'Don't worry sweetheart, Soarin will help heal you'

I looked up and started climbing up the mountain. The smell of cherries suddenly hit my nose. She was home. I made it over the mountain and saw her. The beautiful white feathers that faded to a soft pink on the tips. Her hair was white as snow with the fresh scent of cherries. Her lion-like claws were painted to be a bright pink and her hawk-like talons were the same color. She was the most beautiful griffin that I've ever seen. I then cleared my throat and she turned around to face me. Her ocean blue eyes were so captivating.

"Ulf, it's been a while since I've heard from you. Is everything alright?"

I lowered my head and released Henrietta. She looked at me then down at the chicken. Worry flooded her eyes and she carefully scooped up the poor thing and sweeped away the gravel with her long feathered tail.

"Who would do such a horrendous thing to such a tiny creature!"



"You've been left in the dark for too long. Hayden has escaped with Greta and Oliver, and there's no doubt that one of them did this."

The soft light pink faded to red as the beautiful white color then changed to a deep black as her eyes changed red. She then let loose a low growl. Then she calmed herself and her natural colors came back. She sighed and focused on Henrietta.

"I can feel the love radiating from her. She's not treated like a regular farm critter."

"Fáel and Véttr have gained some...affectionate... feelings."

"And what about you? How do you feel towards the small mortal?"

"You know my heart belongs to you my dear."

I rubbed my head against hers. She chuckled and turned her attention to Henrietta. I looked down at the poor broken creature. She looked so sad and hurt, it brought tears to my eyes. She turned to me and whipped the tears away.

"You go and hunt down Hayden, I'll make this cutie pie here my top priority."

"Please, don't let Henrietta pass, I don't want to see the mortal so depressed and I don't need Fáel chewing me a new one."

"Don't worry, she's in good claws."

I smiled and kissed Soarin's cheek. She gently rubbed her beak against my muzzle. That's when I turned and started walking, hearing Soarin hum to Henrietta. I then made my way down the mountain, using the rough earth to sharpen my claws. I felt my blood start to boil, my golden tooth started to glow from pure fury. I then stopped at the bottom and started sniffing the ground, trying to get a scent. 

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