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 Dýr started down the creature and led out a ghostly growl from within his throat. Then darting off, charging with teeth bared. We quickly chased after him but were not fast enough. He lunged at the creature's snake-like head and dug his scythe-like claws into the creature's left eye.

"Maansiirtokone, this is the last time you will kill these people."

Maansiirtokone let out a deep chuckle. Whispering to Dýr before flinging him off like a ragdoll. Ulf ran to Dýr's aid along with Soarin while the others tried to keep up with Maansiirtokone. But he was too quick and he disappeared within the ground. The others caught up with Dýr and Fáel started snarling.

"You know this creature?!"

"I heard stories."

Fáel started snarling more, but I knew Dýr was lying. He pretended to be an angel but talked with a forked tongue. That's when Véttr approached. Teeth bared but something in his eyes told a different story.

"Tell them the truth. Once you come clean, things will be much easier."

Dýr then sighed and slowly stood to his feet. Looking all of them in the eye before lowering his half skeletonized head. He took in a deep raspy breath and exhaled slowly.

"I am not related to any of you by means of blood. I am much older than you think I am. My job as death has been around far before any of you could take in your first breath and glimpse the world around you. The Earth mover or, Maansiirtokone, as he is known, was a failed experiment. He was supposed to be a ring around this world and protect it from any danger. But he turned and dug into the ground, saying that there is something endangering the world."

Fáel stared at Dýr with disbelief. But Dýr looked like he had a huge weight lifted off on his shoulders. Ulf looked between the two wolves and gulped. Feeling anger radiating from Fáel but sorrow from Dýr. The other two slowly backed up while Soarin looked as if she had finally solved a puzzle.

"Fáel, you do not want this fight. You both may not have the same blood coursing through you but that does not mean you aren't brothers. You all have been through enough. Think about it, without death, there will be no order!"

"Soarin speaks wisdom, Fáel. I am not your enemy. I am here to keep balance in this world."

"Yet you lied to me! To all of us! You have lied for millennia! And for what? To keep balance?!"

Fáel snarled and snapped his large knife-like teeth. Dýr lowered his head but something seemed off about him. It's like he knew what he was doing. But he kept his raspy breathing calm and his voice steady but Ulf couldn't help but hear that Dýr spoke with a forked tongue.

"Fáel, I promise you, this is not a fight you will win. I have roamed these grounds and have battled many creatures. This is a fight you will not win."

Fáel snarled at Dýr's words. This time he was speaking truths, not a single lie was sewn in that sentence. Fáel really wouldn't win the fight he was planning on. Perhaps Dýr is a lot stronger than he shows. 

"I would suggest you back down."

Fáel snarled one last time before taking his word. He then turned and started walking away slowly with Fáelán trailing close behind. Véttr then snarled and stormed off before looking at Ulf. Baring his teeth but stormed off back to his mountain. 

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