Eye's in the Sky

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 One of my ravens returned to my mountain, landing on my right shoulder. My ravens were my eyes just like my crows. Although, my crows are charged with watching my brothers and my ravens are for both watching, sending messages and reporting to me. I walked into the shadows and allowed the raven to hop off my shoulder and sit up on a ledge.


"Ulf is heading to Soarin and the other two are cleaning the barn, my lord."

"What could Ulf be wanting from Soarin?"

"I am unsure, my lord. But he traveled underground. The crow watching him lost him in the forest."

I hummed and thanked the raven. She bowed and awaited her next command. She hopped back onto my shoulder as I carefully scaled down my mountain. Nightfall will be coming soon. I had planned and created the perfect starlight display. I wonder if that child that Fáel has taken a liking to would see it. I've noticed that she's seen my work. But, this display is for my beloved Vatn. She always loved my displays of light. When the sun started to set, I got ready to display the most spectacular display of light and beauty. I howled once the sun disappeared behind the tree line and small golden orbs started to shimmer and glow. Blue, red and gold then dotted the sky, making intricate shapes.

"Keep an eye on this place, in heading down to the lake. If any crow comes, have them relay their information to you then you come straight to me. Understood?"

"Yes my lord."

The raven bowed and I made my way down the mountain. I walked slowly, making sure to not disturb the sleeping creatures. Once I got down, I walked an old dirt path to a beautiful shimmering and still lake. Looking into the water at my reflection, I noticed Vatn staring into my pearl eyes. I smiled and laid down at the shore and watched as Vatn slowly arose from the still water. Her eyes were deep blue, pale skin, and beautiful light blue silk wrapped loosely around her thin body. She smiled softly and slowly approached. She couldn't leave the water but she was close enough to the edge.

"My love, you came."

"Of course I came, I even made a beautiful display just for you."

Vatn looked up to the sky and smiled. I laid down, allowing my black paws to sink into the cool water. She noticed and slowly walked between them and rested her head on my leg. I know she wanted to walk on the land and be by my side but she couldn't. She would just end up right back here. I had dreamed of one day dancing with her under the moonlight, among the stars and playing or resting upon the clouds. It's all I ever wanted.

"Véttr, tell me..will I ever walk by your side free from the water?"

"Of course you will, my love. One day, I will crack the code and you will be by my side."

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