Holding Council

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 Dýr slowly stood to his feet, making the water pour down from fur, rotting flesh and bone. I got up along with him and started walking. He walked a little past me but it was like he was leading me, constantly looking back to see if I was behind him with his pale white cornea. His fog followed but the spirits stayed behind. I kept looking back at the mother and her baby, seeing how scared she was made me feel hopeless. But I needed to focus on the council, for this world's sake. We walked for what felt like hours, thought's buzzing in my head like angry bees on what to say or what to do.

"Ulf? Are you listening?"

"Huh? What?"

Dýr chuckled as I was entranced by thoughts. I looked at him but couldn't think of anything to say. I wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying to me.

"I asked what your opinion was on the matter, especially having Hayden back."

"Well, Hayden is as old as the dirt we walk upon itself, but knowing he survived his injuries scares me/ all that scar tissue. But knowing there is something more powerful than us scares me much more. I'm not sure what he has planned but it must be something good right?"

"We shall see."

"Do tell me Dýr, how did he survive his injuries."

"He called out to me, begging for me to not let him die. He was walking a very thin line, teetering between life and death. He and I struck up a deal and now he roams once more."

"Deal? What deal did you strike?"

"Not important now, dear brother"

He walked further away from me and approached a large stone temple. His eye glowed and his ghostly howl rang out. The heavy wooden doors whined and creaked open. He straightened his posture and glanced at me. Motionting me to go in first.

"I have something to do first, but please, go in."

Something was definitely off with Dýr. but I shook it off and walked inside the temple. Walking through a long dark hall, I walked into The Center, a great golden chandelier roared to life, burning away the cobwebs and layers of dust. A golden glow then encapsulated the room around me as five massive chairs sparkled and shined in the light. The one on the far left was made of wood and soft lambswool. The wood was decorated with carvings of animals and had a large rack of deer antlers above. The one to its right was made of marble and granite with roots as decorative swirls. My old chair.. I looked to the one closest to the ceiling, hanging by chains, and saw that it was made of branches and pale white feathers that faded to a soft pink. The one next to that was black as midnight decorated with constellations and above was a crescent moon. Another was made from cobblestone and had carvings and paintings of humans praising a giant wolf. But the one in the dead center of the chairs was made of bones. Animal and human bones meshed together to form a throne-like chair.

"I suppose it's time for council."

Walking to my chair I jumped up and took my seat and growled. The ground split open and a dark wooden table slowly arose. Once it was fully out of the ground, the split slowly closed. I looked around the table and sighed, remembering the many records, mounds of files, pieces of evidence and manuscripts that were placed here thanks to Hayden. I sighed softly and waited patiently for everyone to arrive for council. That's when I heard clicking. I looked up and saw two red eyes piercing through the darkness. Right on time as always. Fáel walked out of the darkness and smiled at me. He always had great posture and the way he walked made him seem much taller than a second story roof. He approached the chair with the mortals on it and climbed up.

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