A Private Chat

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 After talking with Dýr, Fáel looked at me with a saddened expression. Hearing that William didn't make it tore me up inside. I felt like my whole world was crumbling around me, I felt lost and scared. Fáel slowly approached me and placed a hand on my shoulder, slowly pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged him just as tight and felt my knees start to buckle as we slowly descended to the soft ground below. He slowly started to play with my hair and rubbed my back.

"I am so sorry, Yvette. If there's anything I can do, you just let me know and I'll do it for you."

"Thank you Fáel."

That's all I could manage to say. I was trying to process losing William, memories flooded my mind. I pulled away from Fáel and looked at him in his golden eyes. He was a bit puzzled but gave me a sweet smile.

"Something you need?"

"Take me to Dýr please."

His face went pale and he swallowed. Then he nodded and transformed into his large wolf form. He laid down and waited for me to climb up on his back. His soft brown fur was slightly curly and bounded when I gently pulled and let it go. He slowly stood and started walking, making the curls slowly bounce. I giggled softly and I saw one of Fáel's golden eyes peek at me.

"I didn't know your fur was curly/"

"It normally isn't. I usually ask Ulf to use heat to not make my fur so curly."

"I like it. I think it looks nice."

Fáel chuckled as he walked into the black forest. As we walked, there were whispers all around us and black beady eyes staring at us. It felt like they were whispering about us, about our secrets and sharing our histories. It made my skin crawl, hearing them whisper to each other. Fáel's ears were constantly turning and twitching, almost like their words were slowly starting to unravel his thoughts. Like his truths and his lies were being spilled out like an overflowing cup or bowl. He let loose a low growl and the whispering fell silent.

"Sorry about them, Yvette, they tend to share their information and opinions to each other."


"Their Véttr's crows, his eyes in the sky. They all report their findings to Wolfram, a raven and he reports it to Véttr. All they are is annoying buzzards."

I giggled and started to feel a lot less anxious. Knowing that they were just crows was a huge relief, I was starting to think that the forest itself was an entity or haunted. My mind was put at ease when I saw the raven, illuminated by the rising sun.

"Dear Fáel, where are you off to this fine morning?"

"It's none of your business Wolfram."

"Oh, is it between you and the girl?"

"No, you miserable buzzard."

The raven seemed to take great offense. It scoffed and glided down as we exited the forest. Wolfram had ink black feathers, gray legs and midnight eyes. Wolfram bowed his head to me and tilted his head. Fáel shook gently and made Wolfram unease and flew off. I giggled as the raven flew off cursing under its breath.

"The sunrise is beautiful."

"Yes, quite beautiful."

The sky was hues of gold and amber while pale blue started to cover the sky like a blanket with soft patterns of white. The air was a little chilly but the sunlight was like a warm hug or a warm blanket. We walked through a field of emerald green grass and pale pink, light purple, and magenta flowers. Spring was here, the air was light and little bees were flying flower to flower.


"Ah yes, it must be that time of the year, shedding winter coats, flowers blooming and bees buzzing."

I smiled, spring was always my favorite time of year. Seeing the flowers bloom, bees making sweet honey and every year I get to make my favorite strawberry and blueberry tart with fresh cream and syrup made from the fresh berries. Maybe I should try my hand at making some apricot jam and jelly. I also miss Alexander's red wine, he always used fresh spring grapes for his wine. I wonder if Ulf knows how to make wine? Perhaps Alexander had his recipe written down in his little leather book?

"I see you really like spring."

"It's my favorite time of the year, it's when strawberries, blueberries and apricots are ready to be harvested."

That's when I started to notice that the land around us seemed darker, like nothing was growing or alive. The ground around us was barren and eerie. Fáel slowed down and started to lay down, allowing me to carefully slide off. I looked at him a little worried but he gave me a reassuring smile and nodded. I smiled back and started walking a beaten path, seeing a light fog start to form around me. It wasn't cold like I expected but it was warm and welcoming, like a friendly atmosphere. I continued walking through the fog and along the path until the fog got thicker and I lost sight of the path. I got a little worried but I then saw a large looming shadow, some beams of light made it look like it was a ribcage. There he was, sitting atop a hill feeling the warm light on his fur and bones. Walking up the hill, I saw his eye was closed and he hummed softly.

"Apologies for my fog being so thick, it happens when spring is among us."

"No need to apologize. Is this your way of shedding winter's mane?"

 Dýr started chuckling and nodded yes. He then motioned for me to join him in the eerie view of an old abandoned village surrounding a now dry lake. It looked familiar, it wasn't my village but it felt like I've been there before. Looking at Dýr, I had so many questions, mostly about my parents. Could they still be alive? If they're alive, where are they and why did they leave me behind? Do they even know I'm alive?

"You have many questions, care to share them with me?"

"You said you knew my parents right?"

"I did."

"Then please, tell me if they are alive."

"They...are alive."

I paused, looked up at him then back to the village. Dýr glanced down at me then to the small village, exhaling slowly, his fog rolled down the hill like a flowing waterfall and encircled the village. The fog was a light gray and it slowly engulfed the village. Dýr slowly stood to his feet and looked down to me.

"Come, I have something to show you."

He walked slowly down the hill, and I followed much like a shadow. He would share some glances back at me with a soft smile and stopped at the edge of the fog. He took one last lilacs at me and slowly entered the wall of swirling fog. I followed and what I saw was bewildering. The lake was sparkling, the village wasn't abandoned and people were happy and talking.

"We are invisible to their eyes, but stay close to me, you will see your parents very soon."

Dýr then walked to the lake and took a seat, I followed and sat down next to him. He was glancing over to the hill then down at me. He would give a reassuring smile, and gently nudged me from time to time. That's when I heard a carriage and a horse trotting down a gravel path. There he was, my dad. He was driving the carriage and my mom was sitting in the back.

"That's them."

I smiled and wanted to tell him that I knew it was them but I couldn't manage to get the words out. 

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