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 Looking to Ulf, I sighed and carefully picked up the small lady and laid her down on Fáelán's back. Fáelán walked slowly as me and Ulf walked by his side, occasionally looking down at the young lady. We walked through the black forest, standing on high alert. It was going to be a while until we got to our destination.

"So tell me brother, where exactly are we going?"

"You will see Fáelán, though we do have a while until we get there."

Fáelán nodded and continued on the trek to our destination. Though, I noticed something was bothering him. I didn't wish to pry the answers out of him but I did take notice. Then I turned my attention to Ulf, seeing him with his eyes forward and in full focus reminded me of a much younger me, one before my curse. Looking down at my paws, some small embers flew with every step I took, letting off deep orange flakes that glowed and faded to black as quickly as they arrived.

"I'm sorry for that Fáel."

Ulf softly muttered. I looked to him, seeing his emerald eyes look to my paws then back to facing forward. There was sorrow lacing his voice, I know he was truly sorry.

"It's alright Ulf, I know you didn't mean to cause that. Besides, I deserved it for liking you away, think of it as my punishment."

Ulf stopped and stared at me, trying to see if I was joking or not. But I wasn't joking at all, I was as serious as Dýr would be. He nodded then continued. We made a few turns and eventually, we came across a soft sapphire glow.

"We are close."

That's when we came across a sea of small deep blue flowers, glowing softly in the darkness. Ulf lowered his head to one and examined it closely. The flower petals were a deep sapphire blue and faded to a soft butter. Their scent was light and fruity, their stems that held the proud flower heads high were covered in tiny black barbs, able to snag anything if too close. Ulf's eyes then flicked up and continued following the path the flowers laid out. We then came across an abandoned barn with a small home nearby. The barn used to house cattle with some horses but now, the wood was splintering and warped, the paint worn and chipped. The animal's were long gone, either eaten from the creatures in the forest or they all starved to death.

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