The Creature

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 Hayden looked at me with fear in his eyes as the ground shook beneath us. I looked around,shifted a hand to a paw and started digging my claws into the ground. I closed my eyes and let out a low hum, mapping out large tunnels deep under the ground. That's when something appeared. A large centipede type of creature, its body was covered in an iron based plating, covering muscle with little fat on its body. Each leg marched on like a battalion of soldiers, rushing into battle with the cold stone of the Earth. The face was that of a snake, to eyes pointed forward like a true predator. But there were four eyes, two on each side, like a prey animal. Its teeth were made from solid stone, sharper than a dagger. It had two antennas perched on his head feeling out the ground, walls and ceiling. Like it was searching for something.

"Hayden.. It's huge..."

"I know Ulf, that's why I need your help. This's sinking villages left right and center. We try to evacuate who we can but by the time we come back for more...they're gone... the whole village would be gone."

I sighed, knowing that I needed to help. I then shifted my paw back to my hand and looked at Hayden.

"I must alert the others at once. We shall help you with the evacuation. And help you deal with whatever this creature is."

Hayden looked at me with fear and worry. I know he hadn't seen my brothers since I went on that rampage but I know they would help in protecting these people, especially Fáel. That was his job after all. I have a good reason to suspect that he's not even aware of this creature. Looking at Hayden, I offered my hand.

"Come, we must warn the others before it's too late."

He flashed a toothy grin and gripped my hand. He then led me to Greta and Oliver, motioning for them to join us. They followed close behind as we walked to a large room with tables made from granite and some kind of dark wood. There were loosely braided roots making the ceiling and crawling down some of the walls. Greta took lead, Oliver followed close behind then it was Hayden then in the back was me. But something kept my mind occupied.

"Greta, open the gate, we must speak to the elder wolf."

"Yes Hayden."

Greta sped ahead and opened a gate leading to a grand archway made from the same loosely braided roots, leading to cold stoney stairs. But something kept bothering me, what was behind that door? Could that be where they are keeping the mortals that they evacuated?I needed to know.


"Yes Ulf?"

"There was a large wooden door, with gold and silver snakes lining it, the doorknob was that of a snake baring its fangs. Tell me, what's behind it?"

"The villagers nearest to your garden, with a wheat farm closest to the forest. We could only evacuate a stone smith, butcher, a florist and the girl we found in your home. Everyone else was missing, all the stables and carts were gone so Oliver guessed they went out trading."

I nodded. That was one mystery solved, now to solve the mystery on getting rid of the creature that runs below the Earth. 

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