Ulf's Garden

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It was my second day of shadowing Ulf, and today was going to be exciting. He planned out everything that we'd have to do. Hopefully there's some stuff I can do. I woke up before the sun could even rise. Just so we could get an early start to the day. I went out, fed my chickens, and went to see Ulf. He was standing there while his tail wagged.

"Good morning Ulf!"

I smiled at him and approached him. He lowered himself and waited for me to climb on. Once I was on he slowly and carefully rose back to his full height. That's when he started walking.

"So what's on the agenda for today?"

"My hidden garden. Some things are ready to be harvested."

I smiled. I did enjoy gardening. After all, I did live on a wheat farm. He walked for a little until the giant stone wall came into view. He must've really worked hard on it. We went behind and there was a beautiful garden. Ulf then lowered himself and waited for me to climb down. Once I was safely on the ground he got back up. I was facing away from him, admiring the garden when I suddenly heard joints cracking. I turned to see Ulf had shifted into his mortal form. His hair was dark green at the roots but it faded to pastel green. The marking that once resembled vines had turned to dark patterns in his skin much like a birthmark. The white dots around his eyes darkened to resemble freckles. But the thing that drew my attention most was his emerald green eyes.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No, I just never saw you in this form before."

"You like?"

"I do. You're very handsome."

I smiled at him as his cheeks turned to a soft pink. I giggled as he shook his head. He then led me around. I saw plants that I had never laid eyes on before, as well as his excellent streams of water that ran in between each row branching out and connecting to the cobblestone path we walked on. I admired it all.

"Ready to get started?"

"I'm ready!"

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