The Room in the Back

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 I looked at Fáel and smiled. He smiled back at me and helped Ulf with replacing the windows and making sure they were secure. I noticed that some of the windows had little silver latches. Perhaps they could be open in warmer weather. I then shrunk down to my mortal form and started poking around inside the house. There was furniture torn to shreds and smashed dishes. I explored more of the house and saw a few carpets ripped to shreds. There were wooden floors with many scratch marks and lots of dirt. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw more smashed dishes, cracked tile floors, and broken cabinets.

"I'll make this place nice and cozy."

I then started cleaning out the house. Clearing out the dust and dirt. Getting rid of the broken furniture and basically emptying out the entire house. Then I got to a room with a large wooden door looking around the framing, there was some brownish thing smeared on the framing. Getting a closer look, I took a small whiff and immediately backed up.

"That's wolf's blood."

Opening the door, I peeked in. my eyes widened, seeing traps, guns, stakes and knives galore. I then looked to a steel table and saw a fresh wolf carcass flayed open with its eyes gouged out and tongue hanging out. I felt my stomach churn, seeing this poor creature ripped apart. I got out of there immediately and ran out of the house. Ulf must've seen me run out because he chased after me.

"Fáelán! Wait! What did you see there? What scared you?"

Tears fell down my cheeks as I turned to face my giant brother. He then shrunk down into his mortal form and hugged me tight, not letting go. My knees started to buckle from the horrors inside that house. He pulled away from me and stared into my eyes, looking into his emerald eyes, I saw comfort and safety. He carefully wiped my cheeks free from tears and hugged me once more.

"Fáelán, tell me what you saw in there. If I have to go in there, I'll do it. I'll go in there with you and help you clear it out and fix anything you need."

"Ulf..there's a fresh wolf carcass in a back room. Its eyes were gouged out and it was gutted like a fish."

Ulf stared down at me, seeing how scared I was. He pulled me back into a hug and signaled Fáel to come over. Once he came he explained what I told him. Fáel's golden eyes darted over to me with shock and horror. His face then contorted to disgust then he had a puzzled look in his eye.

"You said the body was...fresh?"

"Yes, the blood is still bright. I saw it in the light."

"Take us."

 Fáel went into his mortal form with fury and disgust in his eyes. I nodded slowly and led them to the room. Ulf and Fáel took the lead while I stayed behind. I didn't wish to see the horrors of that room again. 

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