Your Decision is Final

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 I gulped, that grin was hiding something. He knew something that I didn't. I looked at him dead in his eyes, trying to figure out what he knew. His eyes followed mine as he grinned more. I then turned my gaze to the bottle. Still shimmering and waving. I hummed and sighed.

"Fine. Give me the bottle."

"I knew you'd make the right choice."

I rolled my eyes as he chuckled. He then handed me the bottle and walked me to the door. He smiled and patted my head as I walked into the icy cold fog. I looked around and heard Véttr quickly shut the door. I gulped hershey, and started walking. I looked around, clutching the bottle tightly in my grip. Almost like magic, something was telling my feet where to go, like I had no control of them. I looked around, seeing small eyes watching me as I walked. Some even followed or ran ahead. Most were creatures, some were humans. I froze in place when I saw a silhouette that I knew far too well. Elena. Tears started to fall as I ran towards her. I started to slow down and fall to my knees.


"My dear. It's so good to see you."

Her voice had a small echo to it. But it was still soft and gentle. She came down to my level and tried to wipe my tears away. I wiped them away for her and smiled.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

"My dear, it was my time to go. I was very ill. I know my passing wasn't what you wanted to see but I promise you that I will always be looking over you. I may not be your mother, but you will always be my little girl. I am very proud of you."

More tears fell down my cheeks.

"I can't do this without you Elena. It's impossible. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm scared and confused."

Elena looked at me surprised. She just giggled and smiled at me. I miss that smile. I miss her more and more everyday. She was the only mom I knew. I didn't want her to leave so soon. I then sighed and looked at her.

"Elena, please, guide me. I need your guidance, what am I supposed to do...?"

"My dear, do what your heart tells you. Let it guide you. I promise you that you have a heart of gold. You can do anything."

She then started to fade away. I begged her to stay but she faded away before I could say a word. Tears flooded my eyes as I hugged myself. My heart tore into pieces seeing her fade. I then looked at the blue bottle. I could've sworn I just saw an eye. I looked closer, and started turning it. I saw feathers dancing in the beautiful blue waves, much like they would in the wind. I sighed to myself and stood up. I then started walking again. With my head held high, shoulders back and my eyes forward. Not letting anything distract me. I took deep, steady breaths as I approached the dead lands before me. I stopped before stepping foot into the dead ground before I saw Dýr, charging at me, teeth bared. Ready to sink into tender flesh. 

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