Meeting Ulf

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"So, that was the fight. And the reason why Fáel's paws are burning."

Tears ran down his cheeks. I know he felt terrible.

"I thought we were just...forcing him to stay a wolf, not bury him."

I pulled Fáelán into a hug. I know he was hurting. He let out soft whimpers and pulled away.

"I'm fine."

He looked at me and smiled. Something about him was off. He seemed like he didn't know what he was doing. He was just a pup. He didn't know any better.

"Fáelán, you were a puppy. You didn't know what was going on."

"I'm aware."

That's when he started looking around and grabbed my hand.

"Do not be afraid of what you are about to witness, I promise to not harm you."

That's when he raised his head and howled. His jaw extended into a muzzle and fur started to grow rapidly. His arms and legs started to extend and turn into paws. Once the transformation was complete, he looked down at me with his red eyes. He then lowered his head and nudged me.

"You want me to pet you?"


He kept his head lowered. I started rubbing his head. His fur was soft, almost like Henrietta's feathers. He then lay down. I climbed on and hung on to him tight. That's when he stood up and started walking. Being extra careful. That's when we arrived at a cave.

"Is this where Ulf is?"

He lowered his head. That's when he laid down allowing me to slide off.

"Are we safe in here?"

"Ulf has been locked up for ages. No doubt that he's happy, but he deserves company. Let's just hope that Fáel doesn't spot us here. I'll never hear the end of it then."

We started walking, the cave was HUGE! I was surprised to see that Fáelán wasn't even as big as the cave. Maybe a quarter of the size! It was a little dark but then we saw small lights shining.

"Almost there."

"What are they?"

"Stars. Véttr compressed them to be this small. To guide our way to Ulf. they only shine when one of us is near. Brighter if Véttr is howling."

We continued walking until we saw him. His left ear twitched. He lifted his head and looked at Fáelán. He immediately pushed me behind him.

"Well, if it isn't my baby brother. Are you here to scheme or tell me how sorry you are?"

His voice boomed through the cave. I felt the ground rumble.

"Just here to talk big brother. And I have someone who can help us.but you have to promise me to stay calm."

"Fine, I promise."

That's when Fáelán came over to me and nudged me out. Ulf's eyes suddenly locked onto me.

"Does anyone know she's here?"

"No, but she's close with Fáel. Maybe we can add her to our schemes?"

"Perhaps. Come closer little one, I won't harm you."

I walked over to Ulf. his emerald green eyes looked me over.

"I wish for forgiveness little one. Tell Fáel that I beg him for forgiveness. I have learnt my lesson."

That's when we heard growling.

"Hide little one! Quick!"

I quickly ran and hid behind some stones.

Thump thump thump

I saw Fáelán run into Ulf paws and curled up. 

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