The Hawk of Life Missing?

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"The Hawk of Life?"

I never heard of such a creature. Perhaps I should ask Fáel, he should know more about these creatures. He is the eldest of them all. I gathered up some supplies and started walking to the forest, making sure no one was following me. I walked until I got to the cabin. I knocked on the door and opened it.

"Hello? Fáel? I need to ask you about something."

I looked around and walked in. I heard some clanking coming from the kitchen and walked there.



"Fuck! Oh, hello little lady. What can I do for you?"

I looked at Fáel and saw him rubbing his hands. A smoking skillet lay on the floor.

"Are you alright??"

"I'm fine. Just didn't think that heat could inflict damage on my already burning hands. I'll be fine."

I giggled softly.

"So, there must be a reason for your visit."

"There is actually. I need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Can...can you show me what happened to...The Hawk of Life?"

Fáel went very pale.

"What is it?"

"Follow me."

His voice was cold. Something about it sent chills down my spine. He grabbed my hand and rushed me out of the cabin. Transforming into the giant wolf, we ran through the forest to the clearing. I saw the stones glowing. He started to slow down.

"I shall show you, but hear my warning. You must never tell Dýr what happened to her. All of humanity depends on it if she is never found."

"Why can't she be found?"

"You shall see."

He lowered his head, looking at the different symbols. He walked to his circle and howled. The wind started to blow around us. It felt much like a soft breeze, but then started to change into hurricane-like winds. The runes glowing bright white, letting out a pulsing beat. Much like a heartbeat. The world around us started to change. Fáel's howling suddenly stopped as time rewound before us.

"Dýr knew about what happened to her. He went out looking for her before his accident happened. His memory doesn't serve him very well. It's not like it used to be."

The wind started to die down. The clearing became heavily forested and he stepped out.

"I thought you weren't allowed to leave?"

"I only told Fáelán that so he didn't get lost."

His tone was dark. I lowered my head and apologized. He seemed to not like to be here. Almost like he was angry about something. He started walking again. I heard distant shouting, like an argument.

"Líf, my love, my soul! Please listen to me!"

"For what? For you to slaughter all of my creations again?!"

""Listen to me. That was not me who slaughtered them. I adore your creations."


We approached a couple fighting. It was Dýr in his wolf form. And a beautiful lady, wearing a pure white dress with a pastel green veil. Instead of metal, there was a flower crown.

"If I wanted to destroy you, I would've done it millenia ago."

"Our love is forbidden. You and I both know it."

"But is it really? We give this place balance. I know you hate me sending their souls to paradise but it's my job. I don't like it either but I was born into this job."

"Then why has Fáel forbidden us to see each other?"

"I ask him that daily, but never get a clear response. You are my soul, my love.."

Dýr lowered his head and whimpered. There was a bright white light and the hawk appeared. Her feathers were white with small gold strands. Her eyes were bluer than the ocean.

"I must go."

"Líf please...I'm begging you.."

She opened her wings and flew off. Leaving Dýr alone. 

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