Heading Home

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 The next morning, my mother woke me with a cheerful smile. I smiled back, stretched, and got out of the bed. I fixed it up and got dressed, putting on a crème colored dress with long sleeves and a red cloak. I tied it into a beautiful bow and walked out of my room before fixing my hood. I saw Fáelán teaching my father how to tell a buck's tracks from a doe's tracks. My father wrote down the differences and thanked him profusely. Fáelán then started talking to him about hunting techniques and which animals he should steer clear from and the reasons why. I then looked over to my mother and saw her talking with Ulf about different recipes.

"Looks like you and Ulf have a similar interest."

"Oh yes, I used to love making different meals. I even told your mother about my garden."

My mother smiled and nodded in agreement. I smiled and giggled while he helped her cook breakfast, giving some pointers on cooking some vegetables. As they worked I walked over to the table and sat down next to Fáel. He had the same red dusting his cheeks when he gazed at me. We greeted each other and that's when breakfast was being served. The smell of cooked vegetables filled the little home with its sweet aroma. There were fried potatoes, some pork, and roasted tomatoes. Everything smelt so amazing and looked delicious. We all thanked my mother and Ulf for the delicious breakfast and we all started eating. The meat was perfectly cooked and the potatoes had the perfect amount of browning but were still soft on the inside.

"All of this is incredible!"

"Thank you sweetheart, I needed a little help with cooking the potatoes but Ulf is very helpful when it comes to cooking."

"Well it's absolutely incredible."

As we ate, Fáel and Ulf were discussing how they were going to help my parents move back to the village since all the repairs from Maansiirtokone's reign of terror was over. Everyone who lived in the village was not home except for me and William. But he was a different story to reveal to the rest of the village. I decided that I was going to be the one to share the news of his death and help with teaching some of the village children about how to make furniture and tools. They then started discussing the little house that they had built.

"I think we should take this place with us, they have lived here all this time and abandoning this place would be quite sad."

"Could you manage that? I don't want you to do something that is going to take you a little."

"Don't worry, I've moved heavier objects before."

"Alright. We will meet you at the village, if you need any help, we will come running."

"I will."

Once breakfast was finished, Fáel walked outside and transformed into his large wolf form. He laid down and waited for me and my parents to walk outside. My mother and father was notably nervous about climbing up on his back but I gave them a reassuring smile and climbed up onto his back. They then started to climb up and once they were up on his back, they held on as Fáel started to slowly stand up.

"Everyone alright?"

"We're fine Fáel, lead the way!"

Fáel then started walking at a slow and even pace towards our home village. He would glance over at us from time to time, making sure we were alright and that he wasn't going too fast. We would all smile at him and reassure that he wasn't going too fast. My parents would often look around at the beautiful nature around them, seeing animals and the beautiful flowers growing along the trees and winding vines that wrap themselves around branches and trunks. Some even had tiny pink flowers about to bloom. I told them more about the village and how I took care of the wheat field in their absence. My father looked at me and placed a warm hand on my shoulder with an equally warm smile.

"I'm very proud of you sweetheart. We both are."

"Thank you, it means a lot to me. I know how hard you both worked to make the village thrive."

They both smiled and hugged me tight, I felt how happy they were and saw how proud of me they were. I tried to work just as hard as them but doing the job of two people wasn't easy, but with the help of everyone in the village and the trading routes we established, it made the workload lighter. Before we knew it, we arrived home. There, our wheat field and little home slowly became closer and closer. Once we were just outside of our wheat field, Fáel lowered himself and we all started to slowly climb down from his back. My father was the first one down and helped me and my mother down from his side and smiled. He thanked Fáel just as he transformed into his mortal form. He nodded and smiled at them both before walking along the path and over to our home. 

"Welcome home."

My mother and father stared at their home and tears rolled down their cheeks. They then walked up to the door, slowly grabbed the door knob and twisted it. The door creaked open and they slowly stepped inside. I left them to explore the house and headed into the village. I saw everyone mourning the loss of William by lightning candles and laying down lilies in front of the now finished statue of Dýr. I slowly approached the crowd and the butcher immediately noticed me. He ran over and hugged me tight.

"We didn't think you were alive."

"I'm alright, but I did bring you all some news."

"What is it?"

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