Waking Up in the Heart of the Beast

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 I shifted around in my sleep. Feeling a pair of eyes watching my every movement. My eyes slowly fluttered open. Seeing the red-eyed beast watching.

"Please don't hurt me!"

The beast just tilted its head. Granted it was dark so it seemed more like a dark shadowy creature that you'd tell your kids to keep them inside when night fell. That's when I saw its eyes lower, almost like it was sad.

"I won't harm you."

It had a deep voice. The way it spoke made shivers run down my spine. When it walked, I felt the ground make a small rumble.

"Then what do you want from me?"

The eyes made contact with mine.

"I brought you here because we meant no harm to you mortals. My brother went too far. He is receiving his proper punishment as we speak. I am sorry about your friend, Elana."

I could tell that he was truly sorry.

"May I see your face?"

That's when I saw him. A humongous wolf. He had a beautiful pattern on his face. Some gray and white patching over his right eye and right ear, ending at his nose. He was much bigger than any other wolf that I'd seen. But then, I remembered a story Elana once told me. Fenrir was once a huge wolf. Perhaps he had cubs? Or maybe children?


He then sat down in the cave. The fur around his paws were severely burned. Black as coal with glowing fire in the cracks. I stared in awe at his beauty. He then tilted his head out of confusion, his golden eyes trying to read my facial features.

"Do you not recognize me?"

"I'm sorry but I do not."

"But of course, I'm in my...more primal form. I do apologize."

That's when his bones started shifting and snapping. The fur he once had started to fade into human flesh. The burns on his paws turned into hard working hands. He shrunk down in size but he seemed very familiar. That's when I saw his face. The beard, mustache and the eyes. It was Ryan!

"Now do you recognize me?"


"Correct, I am a man who you mortals call, Ryan. My real name is Fáel. I apologize for what my brother did, I truly am."

Tears flooded my eyes. I realized that he was protecting us, he meant no harm. He slowly approached and held me close. I heard his heartbeat, as I buried my face in his chest. The person who had raised me is now gone. I made a promise to her, and I will honor it like she did to my parents. 

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