Dýr's Lies or Truths

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 Dýr looked at the two wolves that stood before him. He knew they would do no harm to him, they couldn't. They shouldn't. Fáel lowered his head and seemed to bow to Dýr. He was confused. No one ever bowed to him before. Perhaps to some other deity, but never him. He didn't know what to do or say. Fáelán bowed to the wolf too. Dýr was confused, why were those two bowing to him. He believed that he wasn't worthy of being bowed to.

"Dýr, please, tell me it all. There will be no judgment, you will face nothing. Fáelán has taught me to forgive you, so I do. I forgive you for hiding secrets. But you shouldn't have to feel the need to hide things from me, I'll understand."

"And what do you say Fáelán? Do you say the same, or have something else to say?"

Fáelán slowly arose and looked into Dýr's empty socket. Breathing calmly and slowly he chose his words carefully and started to piece them together.

"Dýr, you have suffered much. Back when Ulf was locked away, you were the only one to defend me from Véttr's wrath. You know much more than you tend to lead on. I beg of you brother, All I seek is to grow closer as a pack."

Dýr hummed, making his teeth vibrate softly. He considered the words from both wolves. What Fáelán had said was true. He was the only one to defend him from Véttr's wrath. He had grown a fondness for Fáelán's company. Even though he was the youngest protector and was good at protecting and helping the small critters, he still had much to learn. But Fáel had much more experience, he should have some time aside to teach the young pup. Then he realized something, he wasn't the only one telling lies or hiding secrets. Véttr hid secrets. In fact, he hid many.

"I suppose you both are right. It's better to be more honest than lie and hide things from each other."

"So, you'll open up to us?"

"I don't see why not."

Fáelán's tail started to wag. He was very happy to hear that Dýr agreed. But it was hard to tell what was a lie and what was a truth. The only person who could tell was Líf, and she was long...wait. She couldn't be gone. She is life. The sudden realization came to Fáelán quickly, making his jaw become loose and open a little. Dýr looked at the little wolf and tilted his head. Fáelán stared at the black and white wolf, studying his face. 

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