Hiding From a Threat

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 I thanked Ulf for bringing Henrietta to me. I thought I would've gone mad if I stayed down here alone. He then looked back to the stairway and walked out after hugging me. I looked down at Henrietta and smiled at her.

"Why don't we get something to eat? You must be starving."

She clucked and glided her way down to the floor. I guided her to the kitchen. I then saw one of my recipe books in the basket. I smiled and looked at the food. But then, ideas started coming to my mind. Perhaps I should make something new with the food that me and Ulf harvested. I looked through some of the food and pulled out some golden delicious apples, some heavy cream, grains of paradise, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, mace and sugar.

"How about we make some Apple Tarts?"

Henrietta flapped her wings excitedly. Elena used to make these whenever I was feeling down. I smiled down at Henrietta as her feathers fluffed up as she spun around. This was really going to bring back some old memories for us. I grabbed a big enough container and poured the heavy cream inside and started peeling and cutting the golden delicious apples. Once peeled I started cutting them into slices. Taking one and dicing it into smaller pieces for Henrietta. She hungrily gobbled them down as I started mashing the apples when they started to break down in the cream. I then added in the spices and poured it into a pie shell. I looked around a little and saw an oven. I opened it up and set the coals a blaze. I set the pie in and kept a close eye on it. The aroma was tantalizing, making my mouth water. I looked in the oven once more and saw that it was ready!

"I missed this so much!"

I carefully wrapped my hands in a heat resistant glove and pulled the tart out. I set it on the stove and smiled down at the silly chicken before me.

"We have to let it cool down a bit before we can eat it."

Henrietta looked at me and made her wings droop to the floor. I know how she feels, I was also impatient. But I also didn't want to burn my mouth on really hot food. She looked up at me and started clicking and tapping her feet, making her nails click on the floor. She was the most troublesome of all my chickens. I knelt down and gently scratched her head.

"Do you remember the first time you tried to sneak a bite behind mine and Elana's back? You wound up hurting yourself badly."

She looked down. I just smiled and scratched a little more. She lightened up and flapped her wings. I smiled and went to check on the tart. It is perfectly warm. I then grabbed a knife and carefully cut the apple tart. I pulled out a piece for Henrietta and a piece for me. I then carried the two plates to somewhere that we'd be more comfortable eating at. I set hers on a small table and sat down on the floor with her. She happily started clucking and running in circles.

"Eat up, Henrietta. I'm sure it's not as good as Elana's but I did try my best."

She hopped up on the table and started pecking at the food. I then picked it up and took a bite. Just as I suspected, not as good as Elana's but still brings back many memories. 

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