Back to the Little Cabin

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 Soarin and I started walking through the forest, she led the way but I then realized that we were heading to the cabin. I was slightly confused but I held my tongue, I wanted to see what she was planning and didn't wish to interfere. Whatever she had going on in her head would be executed with precision. I would sometimes glance down at her and catch her soft features looking up at me. I would smile and chuckle softly.

"There something on your mind?"

"Just wondering about the cabin."

"What are you wondering about?"

"How will you fit? Where will you and your brothers sleep?"

"Fáelán, Fáel and I will be sleeping in the barn and the little mortal will sleep in the cabin."

Soarin nodded and giggled. As we walked, we enjoyed the crickets chirping and gentle breeze making the trees and bushes softly rustle. It was a peaceful night. I sometimes wonder if Soarin would like to take a walk through a moonlit field with me. Would be a lovely night indeed. But at times, I wonder how Véttr handles things with his beloved, since she's bound to the lake. I felt a little bad for them, since she cannot leave the water, that's the only place they were allowed to meet at. 

"This the place?"


I quickly shrunk down to a mortal form and I smiled up at Soarin. She chuckled and patted my head with one of her wings. I walked over to the door but then I paused. Turning to Soarin, I felt my mind race with questions. She looked at me and gave me a sweet smile.

"What is it?"

"What are you planning?"

"I'm going to help you decorate and make the furniture, don't you remember?"

I nodded and smiled. She was going to make the things I couldn't. The soft material that I couldn't manipulate. She sat down and looked at me before pulling out a bag and reached in, pulling out a spool of golden thread, silks and cotton. She pulled at the golden thread and started weaving, wrapping out around her claws. She then took a piece of silk and started sewing. I watched her craft, it was fast and precise.

"Work on more of the furniture my dear, I can keep myself busy with these."

 I nodded and walked into the house. I walked to the kitchen and looked down at the floor, seeing the house had tile flooring. Many of the tiles were cracked and broken. I reached down and picked up one of the tiles. I swiped my thumb and felt the texture. It was stone. Smooth and sturdy. I smiled as it was an easy fix and replace job. I heated up my hands using friction, and heated up the stone tiles, making them glow a bright orange. I dragged my fingers across the broken tiles and fused them back together. Gently placing them back in their original position. Kneeling down, I started fixing the ones with cracks and other broken pieces.

"This is a rather easy job, all I need to do in here now is just add a pump, some cupboards, a stove and a sub zero hatch."

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