His Lies

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 I wandered the house, looking around. I continued looking around, sighing to myself. I then started a light jog.

"Where has that pesky chicken gone?"

I went to all the different bedrooms and even the kitchen. Not a single cluck. I kept exploring, looking at every nook and cranny. Well, at least places that she could possibly fit in. That's when I heard a soft clucking. I smiled to myself, she always did that when she knew she was in trouble.

"Henrietta? Is that you sweetheart? Come to me, you know I won't hurt you."

That's when I saw her. Shaking and making a sad sounding noise. It broke my heart to see her so scared. I slowly walked over to her and gently placed a hand on her. She freaked out but realized that it was just me. She started calming down but was still afraid.

"What's wrong sweetie? What scared you?"

She started clucking but I couldn't understand her.

"Don't worry, whatever it is, I won't let it hurt you. I've protected you since birth."

She clucked more and then rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you too darling."

I hugged her back. I gently started scratching her neck and giggled. She makes the cutest of noises when she's scratched there. Almost like a cat purring. I chuckled more when she pulled away and tugged on my blouse.

"Are you hungry sweetie? Well, we can't have a hungry chicken. Let's get you some lunch. What do you say to that?"

Henrietta started clucking in excitement. She loved lunch time. She knew that was the time for sandwiches and more scratches. I set her down to follow me as I walked to the kitchen. I heard her hopping and clucking. Such a happy chicken. I collected some bread that I bought with some butter and ham. I then grabbed my bread knife. I heard her hopping more.

"Nono, I didn't forget. I promise."

I grabbed a bag of chicken feed along with a tomato. I started walking to the door. That's when she started making a weird sound.

"What is it?"

That's when Ryan came in. Henrietta freaked out, flapping and screaming. I tried to hold her close but she kept fighting. Ryan had a weird smile. Something has been going on, I have to figure this out now. He then looked at me, lifting his brow.

"What's that look for?"

"What look?"

"The one you had when I came through the door? Did- how could you have not known you made a face?"

I saw some sort of fury in his eyes. His eyes were staring at Henrietta. I started to feel uncomfortable. The way he stared at her, he's hiding something. I blocked her from his gaze. It sounded like he let out a low growl, much like the creature did back at home, in the village. Could Ryan be the beast?

"My dear, you do realize that Henrietta has made a terrible mess, right?"

"But I have been with her this whole time. Only for what seemed to be a few minutes. That's all."

I heard him let out a loud huff. I held Henrietta tighter, ready to run.

"My dear, hand her over, now. Just so I can enforce the proper punishment."

That's when I started running. I held her tight, tears fell from my eyes as I busted through doors. I held her in my jacket, protecting her from slamming my shoulder in the doors. Once I got out, I ran straight for Elana's home. 

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