Death's Shadow

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Dýr was a mystery to the other wolves. His raspy voice was laced with an angelic tone but he spoke with a forked tongue. Since he was the shepherd of lost souls, his job was the hardest and most despairing. But he had a strong mind, strong body and sharp wits. He wasn't like Fáel, who would charge head first. No, Dýr stuck to the shadows, watching his enemies and studying their tactics. Then, he lays a clean strike with scythe-like claws. He had the patience of a viper, and will strike when the time is right. He was efficient, clean and silent. The only way they knew he drew near was the sense of dread and slight smell of decay. But by then, it would be too late, you'd be gone before your body hits the ground. But he hid many dark secrets.

"Dýr, must you stalk those mortals? They already fear you."

"Líf, you know I cannot do that. We've been around these mortals since the dawn of time. I know you love them, but their anatomy has its own built-in self-destruct button."

Líf sighed softly because she knew Dýr was correct. He couldn't let them just live forever, no matter how much Líf objected. He wanted her happy, but he couldn't let the mortals live forever. Líf snuggled into Dýr, wrapping her wings around the love of her life. Even though their love was forbidden, they always found a way. They loved each other very much. But then again, they both were a force to be reckoned with. But Dýr was the most dangerous force and most protective of Líf. He only wanted the best for her.

"Dýr, what thought weighs on your mind?"

"The thought of losing you, fears me."

"You won't lose me."

"Líf, we both know that is not the case."

Líf lowered her head, letting a single tear drip off her beak. Ince the tear fell onto the ground, a beautiful gold and dark blue rose started to sprout up from the ground. Deep black thorns glistened in the moonlight. Dýr lowered his nose to the flower and sniffed it, careful to not touch it. It smelt of sweet candy with hints of sorrow. Dýr looked at Líf and nuzzled her, making her giggle softly.

"Come, I wish to show you something."

Líf looked to her lover as he stood to his feet. She flew up and perched upon his shoulder before he started to make his way to the temple. As Dýr trotted, Líf would constantly look at his shadow. Seeing that her lover was missing an ear, a few scraps of flesh hung from his throat, and one of his legs was missing its flesh. She feared this sight. Wanting to protect Dýr from that grim fate. She didn't wish to see him mutilated like that. She wanted to change his fate but she knew deep down that she couldn't. She knew that Bjorn would come for Dýr, and that Bjorn would most likely maul Dýr.

"Close your eyes."

Líf closed her eyes and giggled softly. She loved his surprises, his gifts, and everything he did just to make her happy. Every little thing was perfect, even when he got frustrated when things didn't go his way. It made her chuckle. She heard the heavy stone doors open and Dýr's claws, clicking against the floor. She heard fire cracking and golden lights flicker.

"Ready, my love?"

"I am."

"Then open your eyes."

And with that, she slowly opened her eyes. Her soft lashes looked as if they were butterflies in flight. She looked in front of her and gasped. A nest of birch branches, carefully woven like beautiful braids. There were even branches of her favorite snack. Blackberries. She looked at her lover and wept with joy.

"You made this?"

"It's all for you my love."

 Líf's eyes started to fill with tears. She gracefully flew off of Dýr's shoulders and glided down into the nest. This was by far, the most extravagant gift Dýr had ever given her. She looked at him and smiled while more tears rolled down her soft feathers. Dýr approached and nuzzled her with a soft smile. 

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