Looming Dread

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 Fáel and Yvette had disappeared in the forest and Ulf and Soarin were snuggled together under the moonlight. But Vatn and Véttr smiled down at each other until one of Véttr's ravens came flying in. They were both mid conversation when the crow started cawing. Véttr looked up and approached the raven.

"What is it?"

"Maansiirtokone has appeared on your mountain! He comes seeking you and the sky!"

Véttr started to snarl and looked in the direction of his mountain. Vatn looked to her beloved with worry and distress. Véttr looked to his beloved and sighed softly, he grabbed her hand and gently kissed her hand with a sweet smile.

"Please, don't go alone. Take me with you."

"You better not go alone and face Maansiirtokone. You'll be killed."

Véttr sighed then looked to his beloved Vatn. Thoughts of never being able to see her again, thinking about how alone she would be and the consequences of him no longer being guardian of the sky, stars, nights and mornings. The balance would be completely thrown off. He then realized that it wouldn't just affect the mortals, it'll affect Ulf's magic.

"Please Véttr, do not leave me like that. I need your moon to help my magic."

"Do not worry, I will not leave you my love. I promise."

 He then transformed into his darkened fur with a fading light blue on his hips and tail. He snarled and growled making storm clouds form. Everyone but Fáel transformed since they had no idea where he even was. Dýr huffed and sighed, looking around for Fáel.

"Where is he?"

"Nobody knows, he and Yvette disappeared in the forest. Maybe..Véttr can use a raven or crow to scout for them?"

"Perhaps I can send my trusted Wolfram, he had never lied to me once."

Véttr howled, and seconds later, Wolfram came gliding in from the blackened forest. Véttr looked at the raven and whispered to him. Wolfram nodded its head and cawed. Summoning four crows to his side, before taking off from Véttr's shoulder and took to the cool air. Véttr smiled.

"Wolfram and his fleet are out searching for the couple."


"Have you not seen the way Fáel looks at Yvette? Am I the only one who has seen his pulse rise when she glances in his direction?"

"Fáel likes Yvette?"

"He doesn't just like her. He's in love."

 Dýr chuckled deeply, and sighed softly. He then whispered to Véttr and he howled. There came Wolfram and his fleet of crows. Véttr dismissed the birds and smiled to himself. He then lowered himself for his beloved Vatn to climbed up onto his back and they all made their way to The Mountain Above the Skies. 

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