Beauty of the Night

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 Ulf led me out of the lovely cabin and down a path of glowing sapphire flowers, they had a sweet scent coming off of them. They looked like they were made of pure sapphire crystals with a pale center. I wanted to take a longer smell but something about them whispered danger. Ulf would glance over his shoulder to see if I was still following, of course I wouldn't stray from him. After all, he did have my hand in his. But whenever I saw him glance over at me, I could see his emerald eyes sparkle like stars in a deep green sky. He always wore his smile, never dropping it. At times I can sometimes catch part of his top hat move, almost like he was trying to move his ears, like the big floppy ears he would normally have were still crowned upon his fluffy head.

"There's only three who do not have a mortal form. I hope that doesn't offend you in any way."

"Of course it doesn't. Any form they take, I will still be happy."

I could tell he was smiling at that, like he knew exactly what I was going to say. I giggled and he turned to me with a puzzled look. I just smiled at him and we continued down the path. I could start to hear laughter and music being played. We then approached a beautiful long table with beautifully carved legs and matching chairs. The light in the air was changing colors of teal and blue. A light fog made the colors dance like rippling waters on a wall or ceiling. The table was decorated with crimson roses, lilies and baby's breath all in crystal vases. There was a nighty feast prepared, a large bird sat in the middle of the table, glistening and shimmering in the dancing light. There were fruits, vegetables, and pastries. I even saw a sack full of seed and a small chair with Henrietta's name carved into the back. Looking at all the chairs, they all had names. Mine was to the right of Henrietta to her left was Fáelán. I also noticed that my chair was next to the head of the table and decided to see who would be sitting there.

"Ah! Yvette, I'm so glad you came!"

Fáel came over and hugged me tight. I hugged him back and laughed as he spun me around before gently setting me back down on the ground. His golden eyes stared into mine as he gave me a big smile. A small lock of curly brown hair fell in his face and I gently tucked it behind his ear. He was even more handsome in a suit. Getting a better look at him, he was in a navy blue suit with matching pants and silver chains made a lovely front corset. He didn't wear a hat like Ulf, instead, he let his curly hair free. Making it bounce with each subtle movement.

"You look beautiful."

"I can say the same for you. You look handsome."

Fáel smiled down at me and chuckled. I think I saw a cute light pink color dust on his cheeks. Is he blushing? I don't think I've ever seen him blush from a compliment before. He led me around, showing me a beautiful view of a nearby lake, a beautiful place to dance under the stars and the place where the music was playing. Copper horns and brass pipes had steam coming out of them, making a soft hum. Fáel looked at me and gave me a toothy smile, seeing I was in awe of the beautiful scenery and musical creation. I had never seen anything like it, I know William was intrigued by such things but he never had the time to try it out for himself.

"Fáel, this is all so amazing."

"While you were asleep, me and my brothers decided to fix up the cabin, the barn and hold a feast."

I smiled while staring out at the lake. The water sparkled under the moonlight, reflecting a full moon in the sky with small dots surrounding it. I felt Fáel wrap an arm around my waist and look out at the lake with me. 

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