Family Feast

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 Dýr then bowed his head and lifted it after a few seconds. My father did the same and smiled happily. Dýr then disappeared in the darkness. The three of us then walked back into the house and went to our rooms. I bid them goodnight and closed my door, walking to the bed and sitting down. I then started to wonder what the wolves were going to bring to the feast. I got up, changed out of my clothes and slipped on a nightgown. I started to braid my hair and tied two pale blue bows at the end of the braid. I walked back to the bed and went to pull back the blankets and laid down, pulling them up over my shoulders.

'Perhaps tomorrow I could somehow talk to Fáel about how I feel about him, how I truly feel, after all, he did tell me that he loved me.'

I was a bit nervous to tell him how I felt, I wasn't sure how he would react or what he would say. But as I started to drift, I smiled to myself and dreamt of telling him. Sharing my thoughts and feelings, seeing his facial expressions change and feeling his warm strong arms wrap around me made me feel safe, happy and loved. I would feel him lift me off the ground and spin me round and round. Feeling the happiness radiating all around us.

"Yvette? Yvette? Are you awake my dear?"

I hummed and slowly started to open my eyes and there stood my mother with a sweet soft smile.i felt her warm hand be placed on my cheek and felt her thumb gently moving back and forth. I blinked a little fast and smiled at her, gently placing my hand atop hers. She giggled softly and pulled her hand away from my cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?"

"Good morning mother, I slept well. How did you and father sleep?"

"I slept alright, I'm surprised your fathers snoring didn't wake you"

She started laughing and I joined in, laughing merrily. She then kissed my head and told me that she was going to start cooking breakfast. I smiled and nodded, pulling away the blanket as my mother left the room. I made the bed and walked over to the wicker basket, pulling out a brown dress with a matching brown jacket. I then smiled again as I exited my room and saw mother cooking breakfast and father writing on a piece of paper.

"Good morning father."

"Good morning sweetie, how is my beautiful daughter this fine morning?"

"I'm doing good, what are you writing?"

"Oh just some reminders. Can never be too forgetful now can we?"

I giggled as I walked to my mother, wondering if I could help her with any of the cooking. She shook her head no, so I wandered back over to my father.

"My dear, I do have some questions about our home."

"Of course, what are they?"

"Is our wheat field still producing enough and good enough for trades?"

"It is, I've taken up both making flour and bread."

"You've been making flour with William all this time? I suppose the man was right when he first met you, you have grown into a strong and beautiful young lady. How is the man doing?"

"He umm...he sadly passed away..."

My mother turned to us with a shocked expression plastered on her face. Hearing that William had passed broke both of their hearts, seeing sorrow cloud their eyes.

"And what of Elena?"

"She passed away long before William..."

I hung my head low, remembering the last night I had ever seen her. Seeing the fear in her eyes when she told me to hide and to keep quiet. Then the memories of her funeral flashed before me. I could still feel the sadness and the cold of that night as I wept for hours in my bed, my tears feeling like hot water falling down my cheeks. My mother saw how distraught I was and immediately pulled me into a tight embrace. When she finally let go, she looked me in the eye.

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