Summoning Death

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 All three of us grew to our natural sizes, and sat in a triangular shape. Looking at each other, we scratched in Dýr's rune and howled softly. The runes glowed and shimmered. Dýr's fog then slowly started to roll in, sending chills down our spines. I then saw a single glowing eye. His skull emerged from the shadows with his black and white body. His scythe-like claws dug into the dirt as he approached us.

"Hello brothers."

"Dýr...we need your help clearing out the back room of this house."

Dýr looked up at me and chuckled. The half of his face that wasn't shredded, twisted into a smile. I then realized what I had just asked of him and immediately felt idiotic. Dýr did not have a mortal form. I immediately apologized to him but he kept smiling.

"No need for your apology Fáel, I know what you meant. Ulf, if you could lift up that part of the roof, I can take a peek inside and assess the damage."

Ulf nodded and walked to the part of the house, Dýr following close behind. Lifting the roof, Dýr peeked inside. His ear drooped and he pulled away. Ulf laid the piece of roof nearby and walked back to me with Dýr at his side.

"Those poor pups and their mother. Their souls are trapped and they are terrified. A shame for what happened to them. But I will help with moving them."

I smiled and thanked him profusely. Dýr then walked back to the hole and used his fog to help get the souls out of that nightmare. We saw what looked like an adult with five little ones. He made what looked like a path leading out of the hole and onto the forest floor. The mother seemed resilient but when she saw the forest she immediately walked the path with her pups following close behind. They then stopped and turned to us and Dýr. Her ears were drooped but when she was reunited with the forest, she seemed much happier. The pups played around with each other and yipped at their mother, wanting her to play too. She looked at Dýr with a thankful smile and disappeared with her pups.

"She lived a long while. Those little ones got separated from the pack so she went searching. Poor dear didn't know what was going to happen."

"Do you think you can remove their bodies? So Fáelán can get back to work."

"But of course. I'll get rid of their bodies and lay them to rest properly. Ulf can get rid of those...inhumane...traps."

Me and Ulf nodded, understanding our jobs. Dýr's fog gently scooped up the bodies and he carried them to a proper place. He even removed all the things inside that horrid room. Ulf opened up the ground with molten rock bubbling up. His paws swiped them into the bubbling rock and the ground closed once everything melted and burned away. Ulf then walked over to Fáelán and told him that it was safe to go inside and to make a list of all the furniture that was needed. Fáelán nodded and went back inside the house with some papers and an ink well.

"I'll write down everything that's needed and hand it to you."

"Good, I'll let you handle all that."

Fáelán smiled and shrunk back down. I walked over to the little mortal and smiled softly. Her sleeping body looked so peaceful. 

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