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 Looking at Fáelán, I nudged him to head toward the little house but Ulf stopped me, motioning toward a soft moss blanket he made for the girl. Fáelán approached the moss blanket with Ulf, inspecting the area around us, I noticed that it was rather quiet aside from some crickets chirping and some mice scurrying around. Ulf carefully picked up the little lady and gently laid her down on the soft and cushiony blanket. They both then approached me and looked at the abandoned farmhouse and barn. Looking at Ulf, I nodded and stepped back, allowing him to work his magic. He summed new wood, uprooting them shortly after and carving into them. Fáelán and I grabbed the carved wood and started replacing the old rotten boards, fixing them together with new iron nails rather than using the old rusted and bent nails.

"Be careful little Fáelán, these nails are very sharp and I do not wish for you to get hurt."

"Yes Fáel, I'll be careful."

I smiled down at him. I know he was being careful, but I did worry for his safety. He was the youngest of us, after all. Examining him more, I saw the soft blue light softly lick at his slightly matted fur. Seeing this made me Almost like he was withholding information from me. His sharp crimson eyes flashed at me then back to fixing the little house. Ulf then approached, he had finished carving the wood and started to carefully remove the shattered glass.then, walking over to a nearby lake, he opened the ground and scooped up some sand. He then lowered his muzzle into the ground and exhaled through his nose, making some flames spit up. I approached cautiously and watched, Ulf making glass was a spectacular sight. He had such impressive skills that no other glass bowler seemed to have.

"Try to make them look like original windows. Complete this request and I'll allow you to do something special."

Ulf chuckled and raised a large slab of stone. Pouring the now molten glass onto smooth stone. Watching the glowing orange liquid seep through his teeth and seeing his claw start smoothing out and taking out any imperfections. Walking to the cabin, he started measuring out how big the frames need to be. Walking back to the cooling glass, and started carving some frames. Once cooled, the scooped up some water and poured it over the glass as he started scraping the glass and cutting it free from the large blob. The scraping noise made my hair stand on its end. 

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