The Message

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 I peeked out the bed and saw a boney paw. Ulf then dropped the magma back into the whole and closed it.

"Dýr? What are you doing down here?"

"You are to receive word today, but I saw that I should tell you personally."

Ulf then sat down, looking down at the black and white wolf before him.

"Go on then."

Dýr then sat down and looked Ulf in the eye.

"It got out and has been spotted in the forest."

"WHAT!? How could that thing get out!?"

"Hayden helped in the breakout."

"Hayden is still alive? That shitty lapdog..."

"See why you are hearing this by tongue rather than by letter or raven?"

"Yes. Have you told the others?"

"Of course I have. But you must be the one to inform Soarin. You seem to be the only creature to reason with her."

Ulf let out a loud huff, making durst fly through the air.

"Just because I can reason with Soarin, does not mean she has to be involved with this. The less she is aware of this thing the better off she will be."

"It's your call, brother. But I do trust your judgment. I will not tell her anything if she questions me."

Ulf nodded at his little brother. Then, Dýr's black fog consumed him and he disappeared out the entryway. Once it closed, I crawled out from under the bed and stared at Ulf.


"Stay here , my flower. Nothing can get in or out without my knowledge. You are to not answer any letter or raven unless it's been approved by me. Do I make myself clear?"

Ulf shifted to his human form. His voice was laced with fear but his tone and body language was serious. I gulped and nodded. What was this thing Dýr told him about? What's going to happen if I disobey orders? Better to stay on his good side. He embraced me then looked down at me, holding both of my hands.

"Please, for all of us...stay here. I do not wish to see you dead."

A tear rolled down his cheek. I nodded and wiped the tear away. He started to walk away and quickly shifted into his wolflike form and dashed up the stairs. I wanted to follow him but I knew I couldn't. That's when an idea came to my mind. Perhaps I could use some of the foods from his garden to make treats, deserts, dinners and snacks while I'm down here. I explored Ulf home. Seeing gorgeous carvings in wood and seeing silver and gold fines that snaked into more intricate designs. I then found myself in the kitchen.

"This place is beautiful, much better than my kitchen."

There were a few little plots of herbs along with jars of dried herbs. There was a mortal and pestle, granite counters, and a beautiful kitchen table. But then something caught my eye. It was a large stone trap door with a wooden handle. I walked over to it and lifted the door. It was freezing cold, seeing what looked to be ice clinging to the walls. There were all different cuts of meat. I quickly shut it and rubbed my arms, guess I'm not really used to something so cold. I walked around a little more until I saw my basket. Did Ulf bring it in? I walked over to it and looked in. everything was in there.

"Perhaps I can make something to eat."

That's when I paused before going through the basket, hearing something walking. My eyes widened and I darted for the bed again. I ran and quickly crawled under the bed. But that's when I saw Henrietta accompanied by Ulf!

"Flower? Are you still here?"

I came out from under the bed and ran over. Ulf smiled at me and handed me Henrietta.

"I didn't want you both to be lonely so I figured that I could keep you both safe. There's plenty of food here to last about a month but if this lasts longer I'll be sure to resupply everything. And please, do make yourself comfortable. Sleep in my bed if you'd like."

I smiled at Ulf and thanked him for his kindness and hospitality. I hugged Henrietta, holding her close to me with a big smile. 

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