Yvette's Dream

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 I was in my home, the morning light shone through the window with a beautiful golden glow hitting the ground and shining upon some of the furniture. I smiled softly and walked out of my room and into the living room. I froze when I saw my mother. She was exactly how William described her, absolutely beautiful. She was sewing a blue quilt with silver thread. When she looked up at me, she gave me the sweetest smile.

"Yvette, you're awake!"

"Good morning Mom, how are you doing? Where's Dad?"

"I'm alright my dear, your Father should be in the wheat field. If he's not there then he's grinding down the wheat with William."

"Thank you mother."

I gave her a quick hug and kiss on her cheek. I walked to the front door and swung it open with the biggest smile I could muster. Looking to the golden sea of wheat, I tried to see if I could find my Dad in there but didn't see a soul, just wheat swaying and dancing in the gentle breeze. I smiled to myself and made my way to Williams workshop, following a clean cobblestone path into the village. I saw William's smithing sign and smiled to myself. Walking in, I heard the grunting of two men hard at work, grinding down the wheat for Mom to use to make bread.

"Almost done my friend."

Seeing William and my Dad turning a large grindstone with fresh flour falling into large burlap sacks. William had his wild matted hair with a light sprinkling of dust concealing his natural color. William was first to see me then my Dad looked in his direction. Once his eyes met mine, he gave me a warm smile and looked at William.

"Let's stop for now, I believe we have plenty of flour for trading and making bread."

"I agree."

William started sewing the bags shut while Dad walked over to my side. He kept his warm smile hidden by his beard. His eyes showed happiness when looking down at me. I felt like me and mom were his whole world, like nothing could ever compare. We walked through the village and passed many shops over to some stalls. Walking down to the fifth stall, we came across clydesdale, stark white hooves, a gorgeous chestnut coat, stark white mane and cute pink nose.

"And how is my beautiful daughter doing this fine morning."

"I'm doing great Dad. How about you?"

"I'm doing good. All this hard work will pay off, I'm sure of it."

I saw him clutching onto a braided leather necklace with a silver charm. I tried to get a look at the charm but it was quickly hidden by his beard. He picked up a saddle, bridle and reins before opening the gate. He hooked up the horse and hopped up. He offered his hand with a warm and sweet smile. I reached up and took his hand, hopping up on the horse, we rode out of the village for a decent distance and walked up to a beautiful weeping willow. 

"This place is beautiful."

Dad chuckled and hopped off the horse and helped me down. He walked under the tree and plopped down under the restful shade. I followed and laid next to him, he wrapped an arm around me and rested my head on his chest. His heartbeat was a strong and steady pace. Just listening to his heartbeat and the gentle breeze flowing through the branches made my eyes heavy. 

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