Crimson Eyes

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I awoke at dawn. Like usual. I pushed myself out of bed and changed my clothes. I then put on my cape, harvested the wheat and fed the chickens. I gathered the eggs and wheat in my basket and headed for the village. I went to the shops and traded my wheat and eggs for food and another candle because mine was low.

"Static dearest, you seem so tired. Why not rest?"

"I thought Henrietta got out of the coop last night. Again. But it was just my imagination. Don't worry about me Elena, I'll rest when I return home"

"My dear, you live so far and work so hard. Please promise me that you will not enter that forest near your home. It is dangerous."

"Don't worry Elena, I won't."

I responded and smiled. I then started my journey home. I watched the chickens run around and play. Then, night started to fall. I rounded up all the chickens and roosters and led them to the coop. I counted twice and shut the door. I locked it and made my way to the door. But I stopped again. Feeling eyes watch me. I slowly turned around and saw a pair of crimson eyes. They slowly got closer. What I saw made me shake. A large wolf, baring its dagger like teeth. It was larger than a normal wolf, much larger. It stood on its hind legs and roared at me. I turned in a direction and ran. I heard the wolf drop down and start running after me. Tears ran down my face.

"Please, don't let me become this monster's next meal!" I begged to myself. I then bumped into a large man, and fell with a thud.

"I am so sorry sir, please protect me."

"Now calm down little lady, what's the matter?"

"There was a beast chasing me!"

"A wolf?"

"No! Bigger!"

He looked at me concerned then led me to his cottage.

"You seem tired. You may rest here at my home, and I will assure you of your safety here."

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