A Weak Point

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 After Dýr's attempt to cut Maansiirtokone, he looked back to his love. Seeing her stare at something, he followed her eyes to see missing scales and a major artery pulsing just below the flesh. He smirked and immediately started plotting. He would deliver the finishing blow! Balance would be restored! But he couldn't do it alone, he needed the others and he couldn't let any more humans die due to Maansiirtokone sinking the villages. Seeing their bodies crushed and mangled just trying to escape tore Dýr up inside. But seeing a patch of missing scales gave him the greatest idea. If he could somehow make Maansiirtokone rise up high enough to where the weak point is revealed, he could end him once and for all.

"Do tell me Dýr, so you really think that you can defeat me? You probably don't even see the bigger picture."

"Bigger picture? Explain pests!"

"Do you really think I'm doing this for your pathetic job? No, I'm doing this for the endless bounty!"

"Stop the lies!"

 Dýr started snarling. The black liquid started pouring out the more angry he became. Maansiirtokone chuckled deeply again, then looking at Líf, he smiled. His large fangs peeked through his scaly lips as he flicked his tongue. He squinted his eyes and got closer to her.

"And how about you Líf? What is your opinion on what I have told your lover?"

"I cannot trust you. Of all the creatures I have breathed life into, you are the worst. Carelessly taking lives without thinking! You are making his job harder and the mortals' lives worse! They are living in constant fear! Does it not bother you? The fear? The death?"

"No it does not. Neither of you know the real story. But who can blame you? You're both nothing but immortals, you did nothing but watch over this place, constantly creating and taking away life. Who can blame you for not seeing the bigger picture."

That's when Dýr stepped between them. His only ear was down, and he was ready to tear Maansiirtokone a new weak point if he didn't back away from Líf at that very moment. He was quite protective of her, and would do anything for her health and safety. 

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