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 I did it. Dýr is finally fixed. I returned home, seeing William constantly running back and forth from his workshop to the statue of Dýr. I worry for that man. I looked through more of Elana's spellbook. Turns out, it was her grandmother's book, maybe she knew of the wolves' existence? I kept looking through it, seeing hidden barrier spells, containment spells and even healing spells. I had to keep this book hidden from the others. Dýr will probably not tell but it will be noticed. Maybe he can lie to Fáel? I just don't wanna get in trouble. I slid the book under my bed and climbed in. Henrietta came flapping over and climbed onto my bed. She snuggled up to me and I smiled.

"And where have you been little missy? Staying out of trouble?"

She clucked and yawned. I just giggled and snuggled her more. I then started to yawn. I pulled the blanket up over my shoulder and made sure Henrietta was comfortable. My eyes started to flutter shut, I smiled softly as I allowed myself to drift off. I felt at peace, warm and safe. But then, I felt eyes watching me. I started to feel uncomfortable. I looked down at Henrietta and saw that she was fast asleep. I carefully got out of bed and made sure she was covered by the blanket. I made sure she was tucked in and grabbed a candle. I made sure I was outside and out of her eyesight before I made a small fire and lit the candle. I placed it in a cast iron taper candle holder with a handle. I started wandering outside a little, just looking around.

"Hello little lady."

I yelped and spun around, almost extinguishing the candle. Fáel looked at me but he seemed a bit annoyed. Did Dýr tell him what I did? He stared down at me and held out his hand. I looked up at him and slowly grabbed his hand. He then pulled me close and hugged me.

"Fáel? What's going on?"

"My dear, it's a miracle! It's Dýr! He's healed!"

"Oh my goodness! That's incredible!"

I hugged him back. I had to hide the fact that I helped him. I just smiled at Fáel and he let me go. But then he looked at me puzzled. Almost like he was trying to figure out something. I just smiled and giggled.

"What are you doing out here anyway, Little lady?"

"I felt eyes on me. Like whatever or whoever it is, watching my every move."

He started to growl. So I just hugged him awkwardly and let go. I told him not to worry and started to walk back into my house. He looked at me with a doubtful pout but shrugged and left for the woods. I quick;y blew out the candle and walked back into the house. I shuffled back to my bed and climbed back in, seeing Henrietta still sound asleep. I sighed and laid back down with her. I pulled her close but still felt eyes on me. So I got up yet again, looking around, trying to see if anyone was there. I got up yet again and lit the candle. I started exploring the house, looking around. I went back outside and saw little eyes watching me.


"Fáelán? Is that you?"

"You healed Dýr and then lied! You did it!"

"Fáelán, please lower your voice. I don't want anyone to know. I don't want to get in trouble."

Fáelán started snarling at me. I started to back away slowly and whimpered. There was fury in his eyes. Just like when I first encountered him, when he slaughtered Elana. I backed up more and more, eventually bumping into a wall. I swallowed, feeling my mouth be dry as a bone. I looked at the woods then back at Fáelán. His teeth grew sharper, fur grew, his ears elongated and his mouth turned into a muzzle. I ran past him, straight into the woods. Tears fell down my cheeks as I heard him running behind me. He let out a mighty roar making me yelp and almost lose my footing. I then saw Fáel's cabin.

"Fáel! Help me! Please!"

I immediately started screaming. Fáel walked out and saw me running from Fáelán . He immediately pulled me inside and quickly shifted into his wolf form. He then dashed towards Fáelán, teeth bared. More tears fell down my cheeks as I heard snarling and roaring. I didn't dare look out the door or windows. I quickly shut the door and retreated to the bedroom. I covered my ears, I didn't wanna hear them fighting. I squeezed my head and curled up in a corner. I tried to ignore the loud booming and trees cracking and falling. Tears ran down my cheeks when suddenly, everything went quiet. Deathly quiet. The trees stopped cracking and breaking from them slamming into them. I slowly got up, and walked to the door.

"Fáel? Fáelán? Are you still out there?"

I got no answer. My thoughts started running a million miles an hour. I ran to the door and swung it open. I ran out to see that neither of them were even there. None of the trees were destroyed and the ground had no paw prints or the flowers even being disturbed. I was confused, it was like they never fought. Like nothing ever happened. I looked around and tried to find any sign of life. I even went to the clearing. None of the ruins were glowing and there was no sign of life. I started to worry so I started running to Véttr's new cave. I poked my head in and saw the small balls of light still there. I started walking into the cave.

"Véttr? Are you here?"

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