The Brothers

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 Fáelán had taken me to this strange clearing with stones making circles. I looked closer at the stones and saw that they were engraved with other runes. That's when I noticed the stones with full words on them.

"Those have our names. Each of us has an important job we must uphold."

"And if you don't do your jobs?"

"Chaos will ensue."

I nodded my head. I understood that he feared what chaos can bring.

"So, what are the jobs for?"

"Well, before the rest of us were born, Fáel had my job. Then he kept getting newer and harder jobs until I was born. He taught us tips and tricks. But Fáel has the hardest job. He has to defend us and the mortals like yourself. My brother Ulf commands fields and natural disasters. He helps crops grow for a bountiful harvest, and even makes earthquakes when he stomps... Véttr, commands the stars. He's normally asleep during the daylight hours but when night falls, he'll howl a beautiful song and all the stars appear."

"What about the starless nights?"

"Those are when he's depressed. Almost literally chained to the ground."

"What makes him depressed?"

"Not many are awake to hear his song."


"Anyway, Dýr's job is...death. He guides those who pass, into the light."

That's when I paused.

"So he... he told you to..."

"I couldn't control it. He took care of her, I promise. Think what happens when he and Ulf get into an argument."

"So, what's your job?"

"My job is protecting the critters of this world. Big and small."

That's when I thought of something.

"Why haven't I seen any of you around at all? Why aren't you living with Ry- I mean, Fáel?"

His head lowered.

"Did you see the dark purple flowers?"


"Those are...wolfsbane. Extremely fatal. Even to us."

"Why is he keeping you all away? Why is his paws burning?"

"You ask many questions. As to why he keeps us away, we don't know for sure."

That's when his head lowered and some tears fell. This seemed to be a painful memory.

"As to the reason his paws are burning is because of a curse..."

"A curse?"

"Ulf got bored of his job, asked Fáel if they could trade. Wait, its better if I shown you."

He then grabbed my hand and led me to his circle of stones.

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